It's a consumer rights issue. We have lemon laws, laws to protect credit card holders, I think this is needed. Who's going to stand up for the consumer?
Whoa! I'm a consumer and I do NOT need anyone standing up for me. Don't lump us all into one big group just because you think you need someone holding your hand.
First time I went on a cruise I called my provider and arranged for service in Mexico and asked them how I could prevent roaming charges while at sea. Simply turn off the roaming option until I landed in Mexico. It was that simple but it did require me to think.
Think! Do not ask your government to protect you from yourself. Eventually they will take your droid from you just like they are trying to take our guns from us now.
Just don't send the FCC a note supporting this then. There are plenty of people that do need their hand held when it comes to understanding cell phones/computers etc & they are only going to become a more integral part of our lives. There is nothing wrong with a heads up message(just like one you get when your bill is due) to give them a warning.