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"Sent from my (insert mobile device here) using Tapatalk"

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is it so bad to subtly advertise something you buy, and therefore want or need, and therefore support with your purchase? :icon_eek:

I find it interesting to note that the people who have no issue with this are also the ones that can't be bothered to quote effectively and cleanly.

And yes, the point is that the companies have, as I noted, gotten people to find this sort of thing entirely acceptable to the point of having made much of it into an actual fashion statement or status statement. Again, as someone in marketing the brilliance of it isn't lost on me. That so many people have come to accept it all is just sheer corporate wonder.

They thank you. The rest of us not caring for their advertising at every turn do not.

Again, you PAID TapaTalk. That's the ultimate form of support for them. They pay for advertising elsewhere and I opt to turn it off where I can. I also am a customer of theirs and our relationship with regard to my supporting them begins and ends with my payment with the exception of recommendations to others. Your spamming everyone else just makes you a shill in my view. Sorry.

Corporations are there to make money for their shareholders - I hate to break it to you. One way they do that is by garnering support for their products. People buy those products. People use those products, and yes, by using the product, it is free advertising. Do you cover up coke cans when you drink them in public? If not, then you're falling into your own description. Your "shill" generalization is flat out silly and unfair. Do people abuse signatures? Sure - but that's their right, it's their signature. You can turn off signatures in the df.net settings.
is it so bad to subtly advertise something you buy, and therefore want or need, and therefore support with your purchase? :icon_eek:

I find it interesting to note that the people who have no issue with this are also the ones that can't be bothered to quote effectively and cleanly.

And yes, the point is that the companies have, as I noted, gotten people to find this sort of thing entirely acceptable to the point of having made much of it into an actual fashion statement or status statement. Again, as someone in marketing the brilliance of it isn't lost on me. That so many people have come to accept it all is just sheer corporate wonder.

They thank you. The rest of us not caring for their advertising at every turn do not.

Again, you PAID TapaTalk. That's the ultimate form of support for them. They pay for advertising elsewhere and I opt to turn it off where I can. I also am a customer of theirs and our relationship with regard to my supporting them begins and ends with my payment with the exception of recommendations to others. Your spamming everyone else just makes you a shill in my view. Sorry.

Corporations are there to make money for their shareholders - I hate to break it to you. One way they do that is by garnering support for their products. People buy those products. People use those products, and yes, by using the product, it is free advertising. Do you cover up coke cans when you drink them in public? If not, then you're falling into your own description. Your "shill" generalization is flat out silly and unfair. Do people abuse signatures? Sure - but that's their right, it's their signature. You can turn off signatures in the df.net settings.
There you go making sense again
Again, as I noted previously there are valid uses for this like knowing that when I send something important to a co-worker that gets a terse response I can better understand why when it informs me that he sent it from his Blackberry. Useful. Beneficial and, advertising for Blackberry.

In the best of cases I'd edit it to say, "Sent from my mobile phone" as the branding isn't important to the recipient. The rest of it seems like bragging to me and this is the part I'm very suspect of.

Seems to me some here want to brag that they use this not because of their happiness with it but that they want to gain some sort of odd tech cred.

As far as Coke, I don't drink it. I drink Arizona Iced Tea that I chill in my Kleen Kanteen that has no markings on it what-so-ever. Both of them made their money from me when I bought the products.

I consult with companies large and small about marketing and advertising so none of this is lost on me. Perhaps that's part of the issue because I realize how manipulating it all is. Every client we look for ways to EXPLOIT the customer base. That's the term we use. I've decided I don't want to be exploited in my personal life thank you.

That so many have not only accepted it but have gone over to the side of seeing it as part of their duty just makes me smile broadly and wonder at the power of those who willed this to happen.

I also like that when people read my posts they're not distracted by a myriad of distracting ads, images and the like. Take Warrior's post above this one. Six words.... However, instead of just the six words readers have to dig past a Yankees logo (as if anyone cares) a huge unnecessary pile of an unedited quote, a logo for Ultimate Droid and a theme credit with author accreditation. Hhahahaha. Are you kidding me with this? Give me a break. The credibility of such a post is extremely suspect.

What this SCREAMS out to many of us is a complete selfish disregard for others. To hell with clarity for everyone else. He's got better things to do than to be bothered with thinking of anyone but himself. It's more important to him that you know he's affiliated with all of these things in EVERY SINGLE POST he puts up. That's the import take-away here.
In the best of cases I'd edit it to say, "Sent from my mobile phone" as the branding isn't important to the recipient. The rest of it seems like bragging to me and this is the part I'm very suspect of.

That I get. Though, it's a fine line, and to generalize people based on that might be a bit presumptuous.

Seems to me some here want to brag that they use this not because of their happiness with it but that they want to gain some sort of odd tech cred.

That I also get, and do find annoying at times. But heck, human nature is to want to fit in somewhere, whether it's on a Droid forum or not. And again, who are we to ever know exactly what's going on in another's head?

As far as Coke, I don't drink it. I drink Arizona Iced Tea that I chill in my Kleen Kanteen that has no markings on it what-so-ever. Both of them made their money from me when I bought the products.

Then you go to more effort than most, myself included, if the sole reason you use that canteen is to avoid any advertising - though I'm sure that's not the sole reason.

I consult with companies large and small about marketing and advertising so none of this is lost on me. Perhaps that's part of the issue because I realize how manipulating it all is. Every client we look for ways to EXPLOIT the customer base. That's the term we use. I've decided I don't want to be exploited in my personal life thank you.

That I totally get as well, and is frustrating. It does sometimes feel like we're a society of sheep, following whatever advertising is crammed down our throats. (Idiocracy?) Though I think that's an issue that transcends what we're discussing in this thread, I do agree there, completely. Most people don't care as long as they're not inconvenienced tremendously. Some of it is personality, as well. Some people like being loud about who they are and identify who they are by what they use/wear/drive/etc... and others are the exact opposite.

That so many have not only accepted it but have gone over to the side of seeing it as part of their duty just makes me smile broadly and wonder at the power of those who willed this to happen.

I wonder if the OP knew we'd get into a discussion such as this? ;)
Someone may have already said this, but the advantage of the "Sent from my Droid..." line at the bottom is that it explains, in brief terms, why your reply might not be as verbose or complex (links, etc.) as might be typical. It also tells the person a lot of things at once: "don't ask me for some crazy attachment because it's not going to happen", "don't ask me to spend an hour working with you because I'm out and about and just trying to give you a quick pointer to get you unstuck", etc.
That I get. Though, it's a fine line, and to generalize people based on that might be a bit presumptuous.

That's certainly possible. On the bragging thing it's something I've seen change over the years and it's clearly a result of the impact of marketing on people which is fine. I just choose not to succumb to it.

Then you go to more effort than most, myself included, if the sole reason you use that canteen is to avoid any advertising - though I'm sure that's not the sole reason.

Very correct. The main reason I use it is that it keeps my drinks colder. If I'm in a rush I'll buy a can of iced tea and drink it but the advertising is nothing I'm interested in helping. In those cases they get lucky with me purely out of necessity (sort of like the manufacturer/car issue).

The sheep issue for me started when I saw what it was doing to our kids (that is all our kids not just mine). For a 5 year-old to be INSISTING on specific brands they have no experience with really had an impact on me and I decided then that I wasn't on board.

As far as the OP's original post, I thought the same thing you did. I believe he was just curious from say a 50,000 foot view. Really it's a bit more than that as we're discussing now. I mean really, what is "via Tapatalk" but a blatant ad? It rubbed me the wrong way the instant I first saw it. We're bombarded enough in forum posts with distractions. Do we really need ANOTHER one???
MotoCache, someone did bring that up and it is a very good point that most probably don't even consider

That was me.

I first saw this several years ago in a work environment when Blackberry first started doing it and that I thought was brilliant. It conveys a lot of value and does so while sneaking in effective branding. You have to love that approach. Again, please understand, I'm IN marketing. This is what I do so I'm a fan of creative marketing. I don't find what TapaTalk did as creative at all. It's just, in my opinion, derivative and crude.

When I talked with some of the guys who were doing this years back they said they left it on for exactly the reasons we've covered. It wasn't to brag. It was to convey that, hey, I'm distracted and away but I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you. Bravo!
Seems to me some here want to brag that they use this not because of their happiness with it but that they want to gain some sort of odd tech cred.
lol come on now........

Tapatalk is not techie at all. It's a simple app that makes browsing and posting on forums 100x's faster. You can't really believe people use it because it's cool and the "it" thing to do. It's VERY functional.
lol come on now........

Tapatalk is not techie at all. It's a simple app that makes browsing and posting on forums 100x's faster. You can't really believe people use it because it's cool and the "it" thing to do. It's VERY functional.

Agreed! The USE of Tapatalk I totally agree with and that's why I'm a customer too! The choice to spam us all with the signature is something entirely different.
So, your problem isn't so much with the sigs as it is sigs that advertise Tapatalk? I read through this whole thing and that's what I'm getting from your comments.

I use the Tapatalk sig as others have stated, so that people I'm responding to as a member of this forum's Rescue Squad realize that I'm on my phone and will likely be more patient with a lag in my response times and so that I personally can know whether I was mobile or not when posting in certain threads.

I have, however, removed Tapatalk's name from the sig, but anyone who has half a brain will likely realize that I'm using it.

Emitted from X.
Signatures that don't serve a purpose are unnecessary and, in that regard, I like having the option to turn them off. I believe they show a slight bit of disregard for others. The point of a forum is discussion and the signatures do nothing to help or evolve the conversation. They're just there for personal reasons.

The TapaTalk thing isn't even up to that level. It's an ad. You can achieve the same exact benefit from it by saying, "Sent from my mobile phone" without the ad being there.

I see TapaTalk trying to exploit me and my daily online travels that way as rude so there's no way I'd submit to that.
how sad is your life that the one thing you feel like making a thread to complain about is something so small and insignificant as a few words that says a post was made from a phone? you seriously have nothing else to worry about in life? maybe go outside...there's no sigs in real life.

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