I didn't read the whole thread but do yourself a favour and wait for march...
Yeah. Or better yet, wait until July. And then, when July comes around, wait until December. When December 2012 comes around, hold off a bit more until February 2013. I hear about this strange phenomenon where manufacturers now days always have something better in the pipe lines.
For the OP, you just have to decide what you are looking for. If you really like the flashing of ROMs and a large developer community, the GNex is the one to go with. That's not to say the RAZR or Rezound don't have devs, but the GNex is the dev phone much like the OG was - being a Nexus phone and all.
However, both the RZR and Rezound are great phones and shouldn't be discounted just for anything I mentioned above. You really have to get some hands on time and see which you like better. All 3 phones are fantastic.
As for battery, yes, the GNex stock battery dies quickly. But I hear the same for the other 4G phones too. The extended battery is a must if you are away from a charger most of the day.
The other major issue we are waiting on a fix for is the volume. Most have downloaded an app called "volume+" to boost the volume for all sounds as everything seems to default to a low volume. Supposedly, a fix is pending. The reception issue some people were having seems to be fixed with the latest radios from 4.0.4.
It has it's bugs just like any other new phone out there. Just browse the forums and read about the bugs on each device to help you decide which ones you can live with or not.