redownloaded directly to my phone, i used the same link. all loaded correctly!
i do have 1 major wifi tether won't work. i have my laptop out, and when i enter the security key, it says it "fails" some check. i even tried to make it "open" for security, but my laptop won't connect at all. i am going to try on the ipad later on or maybe my desktop.
also, the 4g mod (the other zip file, it loads just fine, but it deletes or changes my battery icon back to stock. it also works vica versa when i install the battery mod zip file.
nice touch on the "reboot" option. however, i have no idea what the other options are for. is there some type of quick info you can give?
this is suggestion is for us absent minded people, on the OP can you give step by step instructions on a full install from scratch?
how do you get the date and clock to change on the lock screen, like you have in picture?
i really like the Hater wallpapers, can you ask them to also make one with the "symplex" either at the bottom or top of the wallpaper (instead of the middle)? all my icons are right there and i can't see it (i'm too OCD to change where i have them, i have all of them in a nice diamond pattern). it's not a big deal, just a request to shift that logo one direction or the other.
google now? how do you delete it? the normal way i delete the apps or is it installed into the rom? i'm not sure if i like it. i don't like weather updates and traffic i never look at. i'm blessed where i don't have to deal with traffic.
when the phone is locked and in landscape position, you have 2 options to unlock it (unlock & camera) when you slide it to "unlock" it actually brings up stock MMS. sliding it to "camara" opens up camera.
BTW, i never knew if my maxx from bone stock had the option to take pics while taking video, so if you added that, that was awesome! came in real handy for me and the fam! awesome job with that!
stupid question, how to i change to your keyboard? i don't see that option, or is it just there and the stock one is gone? i do like the "basic" option too, very nice. ICS was just too dark, seemed to make it look smaller (keys). stone wasn't too bad, but i agree with you, the basic is a very nice look. also, with the keyboard, is there a way to add ".com" like apple's keyboard?
man, very nice job on this again, very good.
ps. i did redo the script for nfl mobile app with full hdmi mirror mode, and it works. works like a champ.