I really don't follow your logic/train of thought (maybe I just need another cup of coffee). While it's great that there's other features, and it's great that they scored points when they brought batteries to your tower, and you and I are very happy with the coverage of Verizon's voice
or data service, none of that makes up for the fact that it's still lacking a really big feature. Yes, AT&T needs more towers in their higher traffic areas, but most AT&T folks aren't miserable. If they were, AT&T would be out of business. Instead they're in 2nd place.
Those other benefits (like the batteries) are nice, but data
and talk is extremely important (to a lot of business and personal users) and Verizon isn't behind the game, it's unable to play. I think they dropped the ball by not continuing the ads showing folks using data & voice at the same time. I'm positive Verizon will. Once they can; because they'll finally have a network feature that's on par with it's competitors.
That's playing catch-up. I'd type more but I need to use the phone - can't do that and surf
Actually, Verizon never shown nor spoke of being able to do Data and Voice in their ads. In fact, it was AT&T that harped on that in their rebuttal ads with regards to Verizon's map harping before that.
In all the ads I have seen where Verizon has 'return volleyed' at AT&T was the reliability of getting information versus not at all.
You have to remember, for some people there are certain things to consider. AT&T will have its strong point when it comes to having 'the fastest 3G' and having the ability to 'talk and surf' at the same time.
You can, theoretically do that with Verizon as well, if you do something else, such as using WiFi or use GoogleTalk/VoIP apps on the Droid or other SmartPhones that have that ability. Again, this sounds like an excuse, but the same thing can be said with AT&T's Talk and Surf part. It works, as long as you have a signal. If you don't you have to find a way to make it work.
The earlier statements I put out was to point out some flaws in the argument presented. You stated it is a matter of 'playing the field'. One thing to note is that in the past 8 years, GSM finally poked its head into the US market. Smartphones, at the time, did not even factor in very much and even the first one, Blackberry and followed by the Treo, were not really thought of as having both voice and data happening at the same time, but at the same time, there was no real consideration of doing Internet with them until a little later.
Only the iPhone made internet browsing on phones seem more appealing, but even then I don't think there was any harping of the whole 'browsing' while on the phone.
The whole argument about 'who is better' only started off recently with the introduction of the Droid (2.0) on Verizon's network. Mind you, the Android OS started out on T-mobile with 'MyTouch' and even then, most people didn't really notice it until after Verizon's Viral campaign with Motorola Droid and the Android 2.0 OS that made it take off nearly as well as the iPhone. AT&T shot back at Verizon only when Verizon started harping the Network Coverage. If you look at some of the threads, AT&T put a C&D on Verizon's ads about coverage, only to have it overturned because the ads were not publishing data that was untrue.
I only laugh at the AT&T ads mostly because they, like most advertising, try and make themselves look better. Just as I laughed at Verizon's earlier ads with the guy going around 'Can you hear me now?' part, when earlier, one of my bosses used to go "*$#% GTE $*#$ GTE *$%$* GTE" over reception issues.
Just remember, advertising is about appealing to certain natures of the beast. And in your case, it is about doing Data and voice. Me... It's about actually getting signal where I am at and under certain conditions. Each has its pros and cons and depending on the area, one will win out over the other.