So tell me, how is your froyo 2.2 experience?

I hate the fact that they removed resizing of text when you enlarge a page on a forum. 2.1 would fit it to fit left and right so you would not have to scroll to read but it is gone with 2.2....:icon_evil:
Some GPS-based Apps wierd...

Only thing "bad" I've noticed is that some of the GPS-based apps and widgets act up from time to time. For example, I had my widget set to follow me with my GPS and give me the weather based on location. With 2.1, if I didn't have the GPS enabled, it would use approximate location based on cell tower. Now, unless I have GPS enabled, it will not function properly.

Similar issue with Foursquare at times, though it seems a bit more tolerant. The most tolerant app for this seems to be "Poynt," which is dead-on accurate regardless of GPS activation.
Only thing "bad" I've noticed is that some of the GPS-based apps and widgets act up from time to time. For example, I had my widget set to follow me with my GPS and give me the weather based on location. With 2.1, if I didn't have the GPS enabled, it would use approximate location based on cell tower. Now, unless I have GPS enabled, it will not function properly.

Similar issue with Foursquare at times, though it seems a bit more tolerant. The most tolerant app for this seems to be "Poynt," which is dead-on accurate regardless of GPS activation.

Ok, I just realized it was my bad on the location services. I guess Froyo disables the wireless location service. Once I enabled it in settings, weather widget and Foursquare are all set.
Hi, I have been having an odd issue since I did the non-rooted upgrade to Froyo.

Occasionally, if I have been doing "online stuff" (e.g. email or web) and then try to make or receive a phone call, I'm unable to hear the other party. The call goes through but there's just silence (not even a ring tone). I have to turn the phone off and turn it back on, then place or receive the call without going online.

This doesn't happen all the time so I'm afraid I can't reproduce exactly under what conditions it occurs.

Any advice?
other than 2 unscheduled restarts, one system halt, it's running fine for me ...
just installed flash today and it works great
I went back to 2.1 since i couldn't get all my apps back after a reset.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
only problem is in the market you can not see all the apps but that will be fixed soon once this build is official other then that it is so much faster and loving flash just need more flash games!!!!!!
Well i used Rom manager to install my 2.2 on the X and at first i didnt wipe data and cache. Once it booted up it was running sooooo slow! and i got kinda worried, so then i reinstalled it but this time i wiped the data and cache and its amazing! its running fine and the battery life is AMAZING! like i can tell a big difference. I put the rom on at 4 oclock today and i was at 60% life, its now 9:30 and it just now went down to 50%. Iv been texting and trying the flash player out so im using it a good bit.

edit: ohhh the only thing that iv seen messing up is when i power down the phone and try to restart it, it gets stuck on the moto sign. i then have to take the battery out and reboot. then it starts up with NP.

I too have this issue. Used the same process as you however I wiped data and cache the first time and whenever I try to reboot, get stuck at Moto sign, I pull batt and reboots fine. Did you find a fix?
Hi, I have been having an odd issue since I did the non-rooted upgrade to Froyo.

Occasionally, if I have been doing "online stuff" (e.g. email or web) and then try to make or receive a phone call, I'm unable to hear the other party. The call goes through but there's just silence (not even a ring tone). I have to turn the phone off and turn it back on, then place or receive the call without going online.

This doesn't happen all the time so I'm afraid I can't reproduce exactly under what conditions it occurs.

Any advice?

Im having this same problem among many others that seem to be accumulating daily. My BT loses connection randomly, and before on 2.1 any music/sounds that I would be listening to through BT would just shut off if BT disconnected, now it just goes straight to speaker which is a problem because I listen to music while im at work and it ends up blasting through the speakers when it randomly drops connection.

Also I never tampered with stagefright and my recorded videos are not playing on my phone. Im not sure if the file will play on the computer, I haven't had a chance to check but I seriously hope it does. I recorded some very important moments.

Also, my media dock will not save the widgets I put in place. Everyday I have to redo my weather widget on the media dock and customize it back the way I had. VERY annoying.

Also if im on the youtube website and I click a video and try to play through the youtube app it says "this video is not supported for mobile". I like having flash for OTHER video websites, but id like to stick to youtube app to play youtube videos without having to actually go and search through the youtube app.

Hopefully there will be something that fixes these issues. As much as i Love Flash support, the little problems are starting to become a nuisance.
Absolutely loving it. The entire phone is snappier, though I don't really notice the improved boot time, and the slide2unlock thing seems to lag a bit, and my camera bugged out once and a reboot cured that... but everything else is awesome.

-lost su access (even though I moved su to xbin prior to the update)
-X is laggy and slower than before
-maps force closes sometimes

/system/bin/su is probably in the path before /system/xbin/su is. If you definitely copied the file to /system/xbin/, try running "/system/xbin/su" instead of just "su".

After doing so, either copy the su from /system/xbin to /system/bin/, or just busybox chmod u+s /system/bin/su, and you should have your regular su back.

If you don't have /system/xbin/su or it's not suid, you did something wrong. :D

My advice to those not updated yet..wait for the real OTA. I just hope RSD works for me because some folks are reporting that RSD won't recognize their device after update. Sucks if you're bricked.
AFAIK, this is the OTA update. I believe they pushed out an update for certain people as a final test, someone snatched it and leaked it. It stands to reason therefore that the OTA update is going to be identical, unless they make changes beforehand in which case people who upgrade now can upgrade again.

Also, with the SBF, there should be no reason you should be bricked at all.

This is NOT the FINAL build of the OTA update that will be sent out. It was a leaked version and many people including myself believe this. There is way too many problems with different devices for it to be the OTA update coming out next month.

Also even if you have sbf if your computer is not picking up your device then theres no good in having it.
I went back to 2.1 since i couldn't get all my apps back after a reset.

Sorry if this seems ignorant, but do you have instructions on how to go back to 2.1?

If, somehow, this isn't the final version of 2.2, then it's likely I will have to go back to 2.1 once the OTA update comes so I can do it that way. Since I don't have any issues with 2.2, I am going to keep it for now.
-lost su access (even though I moved su to xbin prior to the update)
-X is laggy and slower than before
-maps force closes sometimes

My advice to those not updated yet..wait for the real OTA. I just hope RSD works for me because some folks are reporting that RSD won't recognize their device after update. Sucks if you're bricked.

Mine lagged like a ***** at first. Then I removed ATK and now it FLIES!!!!

Im sure I probably know the anwer but for some reason I am drawing a blank what is ATK?
Viewing pdf's is better. They load faster when switching pages.
Scrolling thru Running Services doesnt stall on me anymore.
Slide to answer the phone is lightening quick. That needs to be the unlock
I like the button to answer, ignore the phone when it rings. If it was on 2.1 I never noticed it before. It shows up depending on what u are doing with the phone.

Now for the bad...

Battery Manager FCed on me a few times. Havent done it in awhile after using Fix Permissions in ROM Manager. That may fix it.

I hate the new unlock screen, its probably laggier than the one on 2.1 It seems slower too.

The search hardkey doesnt work when in the phone dial pad anymore. It still works in the Contacts tab.

Thats it so far. I view pdf's alot so I will be keeping Froyo until a showstopper bug shows up for me.
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