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So Very Underwhelmed

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i would just give it some time, get to know it. learning is a requirement. i just got the Droid X as my first smartphone and first droid ran phone. I love it.

also there is a help part in the droid x itself, click the search button then type help. That will give you a good run down.

I agree. This is my first smart phone after using a Palm TX and LG VX8300 for 4 years. I briefly tried a Palm-Pre but was unhappy with the PIM function/calendar and overall hardware design. I really liked Palm OS though and the syncing and it got me to thinking about Android. So for a year I held on waiting for the first Android or BB that I could be happy with.

I knew I had to have touchscreen/big screen as my Palm TX had me spoiled on that. Problem was I was never able to type on iPhone or any on screen KBs and I was certain I needed a hardware keyboard. I thought I might need to wait on a BB slider or a Droid2 but am doing well so far and just love so many things about it. The screen is so huge! I love it.I'm a geek at heart and a learning curve is fun for me even though rooting phones is not something I am drawn to at this time so the supposed lock down is not an issue especially with Froyo on the horizon.

Today my daughter ran a 5K and I took a video and posted it to friends on facebook. I struggled a bit with the phone's edit feature but have to find something about that. I have not found it in the manuals or videos yet. Sliders did not seem to move for me easily. But that may just be user error.
Took me a day to get used to pressing the menu key to get to settings for what is open! Penalty for not reading the manual ;=)

I also found that the video file was to large to upload via the phone's face book app but when I copied it to my PC, it let me upload it to Facebook. Those are some of the whys I am looking to answer but what fun it has been these past 2 days!

Yesterday I found out mail would not send but my ISP requires port 587 vs 25 as they block the port. Google was my friend on that one.

I love the app market aspect of this phone.

Last year issues like that might have been enough to make me return the phone but there is so much wonderful about this phone that I am willing to work it out.

This forum is a great resource for those of us learning. I appreciate everyone's knowledge and willingness to share.

Just put the "power control" widget on one of your home screens in the "android widget" section. Also, go into settings and look for battery profiles and change it to performance. The X was slow to me until I did that. I've had the moto droid and the incredible and now have the X. The X is the best phone to me so far. The incredible's screen was nice but the colors were too saturated for me. The yellow stars in the market for peoples rankings looked orange. The moto droid had a nice screen with just the right color for me but I wanted a larger screen. I for one like what motorola has tried to do. I like the highlights in red rather than green. I'm stoked about the auto effects choice in the stock music app. I'm especially stoked that the 8gb internal storage actually is storing apps there. you couldn't do that on the incredible. The incredibles 8gb was just for storage. I was running out of space as I like high quality games.
It's hard to know where to start....

"the _only_ nice thing about this phone is the ability to set a timer before the pattern matching requirement kicks in when screen shuts off."
---- Here you are stating a preference as a fact. It's like saying blue is better than red. Prove it. There are lots of nice things people seem to like about this phone. As it turns out, the feature you mention as the ONLY nice thing is a feature that is meaningless and not needed for me.

Youtube videos load, start and play just fine for me and most of the other people here. So FACTUALLY (not preferentially) this is not an issue with the phone - it may be with your unit. If it was a phone issue, it would - at the very least - be widespread. It is not.

"My dad may be pleased knowing where a starbucks is 45 seconds after wondering, but come on. He still drives a buick. "
--- GPS is very quick for me. Even if it wasn't though... 45 seconds is pretty quick. Why is the name of Zeus' rear end do you need to know where a Starbucks is faster than 45 seconds? It seems like you have had ENOUGH caffeine lol. Seriously though, I get GPS results very quickly. Maybe you are in a bad reception area or something?

"The screen. Soo washed out compared to D.Inc. and resolution. I know it's the same, but it looks like I am reading a large print version of a book."
--- again, preference and opinion. I think it looks fine, and have no complaints. I hear the Inc is a great phone as well though... maybe that IS a better match for you.

"Riddle me this: Why does a 3.7" D.Inc fit 20 'shortcuts' into a folder, and the 4.3 inch X only fit 16? It just looks soo clunky."
-- Dunno - again, I think it's fine. This is another preference issue - which is NOT to say that its unimportant. Just try to avoid presenting opinions and preferences as if they were design flaws.

"Contact 'shortcuts'? Choose between 2 (two) activities you do most often. TWO? wtf? why isn't everything possible listed below the shortcut when it is selected. Or is that only native Android. Nice improvement Moto."
--- This is just silly. There is only a certain amount of space available on the screen. It is what it is. That said, when I made a shortcut, it told me I could make the shortcut bigger if I wanted to include more options.

"and why is the shortcut double the size necessary? wtf."
--- and exactly what size is necessary? Says who? Preference again.

"dialing? no name lookup. scroll through your contact list. very intuitive."
--- perhaps you should have looked into this one more before posting this point. I will let you poke around some more and find the answer... but I'll give ya a hint.... you're wrong.

"How about widgets? Add widget: Android or Moto? how do i know? if it's not in one, check the other? what kind of bs is that?"
---this one made me chuckle. I assume you don't have time to look in both because you are in a mad rush to get to Starbucks?

It's a great phone - IMO - and I would urge you to give it some time. But I also hear the Inc is nice... but you didn't like that either. I dunno... maybe the iphone is the phone for you. Android isn't for everyone - preference IS important, find something you like.

Take care,
I feel like my girlfriend broke up w/ me. I was so anxious for this phone, coming from a Droid Inc that I hated. I can't believe how much this phone sucks. Motorola should be ashamed.

the _only_ nice thing about this phone is the ability to set a timer before the pattern matching requirement kicks in when screen shuts off.

first. it's s l o w. i was able to pull my magellan out of the glove box, plug it in, and enter my destination waiting for the gps to realize it was running. my buddy's N1 finished playing the youtube vid before my X started. (yeah. we loaded same vid, starting at same time). Find nearest Starbucks? 45 seconds.

My dad may be pleased knowing where a starbucks is 45 seconds after wondering, but come on. He still drives a buick.

The screen. Soo washed out compared to D.Inc. and resolution. I know it's the same, but it looks like I am reading a large print version of a book.

Riddle me this: Why does a 3.7" D.Inc fit 20 'shortcuts' into a folder, and the 4.3 inch X only fit 16? It just looks soo clunky.

Contact 'shortcuts'? Choose between 2 (two) activities you do most often. TWO? wtf? why isn't everything possible listed below the shortcut when it is selected. Or is that only native Android. Nice improvement Moto.

and why is the shortcut double the size necessary? wtf.

dialing? no name lookup. scroll through your contact list. very intuitive.

How about widgets? Add widget: Android or Moto? how do i know? if it's not in one, check the other? what kind of bs is that?

So much more to B~tch about, but I'm starting to annoy myself. this rant has gone on long enough. bit the bar was soo low coming from my incredible - which I hated due to signal strength- that I didn't think the X could possibly disappoint. But it did. Guess I'm sending the X back and keeping the D.Inc.

and that's before thinking about custom ROMs (about a 5% chance that I may want to try something down the road). but options are a good thing. Thx again moto.


Can any of the above be 'set' somewhere?

So very retarded...

Dont complain about a phone just because you cant admit your to retarded to comprehend the complexity of the wonderous device you have in your possesion.:biggrin:

But seriously just play with the phone figure out its quirks.. All android phones have a different feel to them especially Moto vs. Htc... but if you play with it and still dont like then go back to your Incredible Its all a personal preference so do what you like, I'm just saying "Don't Knock It Before You Try It"!!!
The problem with guys like the OP is until everything is handed to them on a platter, they'll never be satisfied. If you approach something with a poor attitude, you'll most likely get poor results.
Yes, this is my first post so I know I'm exposing myself to being flamed but so be it. After reading all of the posts I think that many have missed a key point the original poster was trying to make.

I too had a DInc and took it back for a Droid X. After using the Incredible for a month, the transition to the Droid X has been somewhat underwhelming, especially since many of the features I used do not exist or are not easily accessible. Here's what I've noticed so far:

The GPS app is slower on the X than the Incredible.
The X takes longer to connect to the satellite network, longer to calculate routes, and longer to update. This may be attributable to the phone being in Smart Mode instead of Performance Mode.

The Dialer on the Incredible phone worked better.
When dialing on the Incredible, you could start to type a person's name on the number pad and related contacts would come up, just like a Blackberry. Unless I've missed something, you have to go into "Contacts" and then hold down the "Menu" key to bring up the keyboard. Much slower.

Sync command access.
The sync'ing of Gmail accounts seemed easier on the Incredible as there is a command in the main menu "settings" tab.

More bloatware that can't be deleted.
This may be a personal issue but I hate software I don't use and can't delete. I really don't need the "Social Networking" app running all the time and I could car less about "City ID" or "Blockbuster." Seems like there's more junk on the Droid X.

I'm assuming there are features or settings I can adjust or other apps I can get to address many of these issues.

Sync'ing with Outlook.
HTC has software that sync's with Outlook very smoothly.
Droid X didn't come with software and I can't find any on the Motorola site.

Connect with a PC.
Plug in the Incredible to a PC via USB and the phone lets you decide whether you want to charge, sync, or mount the memory card as a drive.
I still can't get Motorola's USB drivers to work correctly on my work laptop.

Car Charger
Plug the USB cable in any powered slot and charge your Incredible.
Droid X? Forget it. I'm on my 3rd USB car charger and the Droid still won't recognize it.

Default Web Browser
A minor issue but rather strange. Even though the Droid X screen is larger, when you set the "Default Zoom" option under settings to "Close," web pages still come up smaller than on the Incredible.

Although I do not profess to be a smartphone expert, I do believe that part of any phone's success should be measured by its ease of use as well. And here is where Motorola has failed by deciding to not include a manual and then expecting the owner to either order or download a copy. Seems easy except their server kept crashing for over 8 hours when I was trying to download the pdf file.

The original poster could have expressed his concerns a little more positively but it might be more helpful if he had a manual or people offered suggestions instead of ripping on him.
Honestly, unless you're up against a time constraint, I would give the phone a few days to grow on you. Right now, you're missing all of the things that the Incredible did differently, but that will diminish with time, and you'll come to appreciate the superior construction of the X and to see its eccentricities as "normal". At that point, once the emotional reaction has passed, you can make the best decision for your needs, which might still call for going back to the Inc. There is nothing more personal than choosing a mobile phone.

That's kinda where i am right now. Trying to let this grow on me. And some of what i said is likely irrational. So you're probably right.

That being said... i can't get past the way space is wasted on this big screen. No name lookup in the dialer is pretty weak. My palmOS had that 8 years ago. (Maybe patent issue? Licensed to htc?)

Who knows... maybe i'll. Keep the inc. Maybe some undiscpvered spell checker will win me over.

Thx for the feedback
Just put the "power control" widget on one of your home screens in the "android widget" section. Also, go into settings and look for battery profiles and change it to performance. The X was slow to me until I did that. I've had the moto droid and the incredible and now have the X. The X is the best phone to me so far. The incredible's screen was nice but the colors were too saturated for me. The yellow stars in the market for peoples rankings looked orange. The moto droid had a nice screen with just the right color for me but I wanted a larger screen. I for one like what motorola has tried to do. I like the highlights in red rather than green. I'm stoked about the auto effects choice in the stock music app. I'm especially stoked that the 8gb internal storage actually is storing apps there. you couldn't do that on the incredible. The incredibles 8gb was just for storage. I was running out of space as I like high quality games.

1. I have set up the widget. It just seems so big.
2. Hadn't thought about the power mgmt aspect. You're the seco.d to mention it- thank you. I'll. Give it a whirl.

3. I actually had the same pic on the inc and the x. X looked washed out, and inc looked oversaturated. I just like the _black_ on the inc.
4. Do like the storage.

Why does long click sometimes bring up copy paste menu, other times bring up magnified move-the-cursor view?
glad i read this. i have an Dinc and i was thinking about swapping it for the X bc i just cant take the absolutely pathetic reception i get on my Dinc, but if it seems like people coming from the Dinc to the X are regretting it...maybe ill just suck it up and deal with dropped calls constantly.
I assume its context sensitive.

Have you tried resizing the power control widget? I'm still waiting on my X so I can't look myself.

One of the other good reasons for giviing it a few more days is that tomorrow's patch is bound to fix some of the more egregious issues. I'm not a fan of sending out products with easily detectable bugs, but if you do, it is best if you swat them quickly. A four-day swat is insanely fast. So fast in fact that we know they sent the phone out knowing about the stuff their patch fixes. No way they could make it through UAT that quick.
OK, I have only spent about 5 minutes with the Inc, so I can't really comment on it. The gps on MY DX works fine, it is very fast and I am happy with it.

But when people present preferences or anomolies and present them as design flaws it kinda drives me nuts. Case in point. You said this:
"Car Charger
Plug the USB cable in any powered slot and charge your Incredible.
Droid X? Forget it. I'm on my 3rd USB car charger and the Droid still won't recognize it."

Huh? Forget what? I have two car chargers, different makers - and they both work fine. I haven't seen anyone else complain about it - what you have is likely a faulty unit. It's the most OBVIOUS conclusion... but you presented this as a design flaw.

I think it sucks that you got a phone that is giving you problems. I wish it worked perfect for you, I really do! But it is just that. Now the other things, like the gps speed - well, I will have to take your word for it, since I have never used a Inc, except for like 5 minutes at a VZW store.

The op kinda stormed in with an attitude that puts everyone on the defensive - I don't think he meant anything personal. He was probably just frustrated. But maybe he could have ASKED about some solutions, not come in and say (in effect) "The phone you all like so much sucks!"

Just my opinion.

Take care,
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