I feel like my girlfriend broke up w/ me. I was so anxious for this phone, coming from a Droid Inc that I hated. I can't believe how much this phone sucks. Motorola should be ashamed.
the _only_ nice thing about this phone is the ability to set a timer before the pattern matching requirement kicks in when screen shuts off.
first. it's s l o w. i was able to pull my magellan out of the glove box, plug it in, and enter my destination waiting for the gps to realize it was running. my buddy's N1 finished playing the youtube vid before my X started. (yeah. we loaded same vid, starting at same time). Find nearest Starbucks? 45 seconds.
My dad may be pleased knowing where a starbucks is 45 seconds after wondering, but come on. He still drives a buick.
The screen. Soo washed out compared to D.Inc. and resolution. I know it's the same, but it looks like I am reading a large print version of a book.
Riddle me this: Why does a 3.7" D.Inc fit 20 'shortcuts' into a folder, and the 4.3 inch X only fit 16? It just looks soo clunky.
Contact 'shortcuts'? Choose between 2 (two) activities you do most often. TWO? wtf? why isn't everything possible listed below the shortcut when it is selected. Or is that only native Android. Nice improvement Moto.
and why is the shortcut double the size necessary? wtf.
dialing? no name lookup. scroll through your contact list. very intuitive.
How about widgets? Add widget: Android or Moto? how do i know? if it's not in one, check the other? what kind of bs is that?
So much more to B~tch about, but I'm starting to annoy myself. this rant has gone on long enough. bit the bar was soo low coming from my incredible - which I hated due to signal strength- that I didn't think the X could possibly disappoint. But it did. Guess I'm sending the X back and keeping the D.Inc.
and that's before thinking about custom ROMs (about a 5% chance that I may want to try something down the road). but options are a good thing. Thx again moto.
Can any of the above be 'set' somewhere?