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So Very Underwhelmed

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First day with the droid x I was not that impressed. It was not until I got all of my screens setup, apps downloaded and settings configured that I cant imagine going another day without this thing. Not sure how people are having issues with the gps or w/e else either as it runs very smoothly for me.
For the people complaining about not being able to type names in the dialer you can simply use the search function. It's actually faster than going into the dialer anyway. Just hit the magnifying glass and just start typing away. Sense UI obviously has some nice features but I think people are growing too dependent on them.
Bingo just because i have an Evo and i love senseUI dont make my phone better just better to me. I don't know how alot of the options work on the X but that dont make the phone inferior. It just makes me inferior with that phone. To each their own, for me i would go with the Inc. and many will go with the X. NO BASHING REQUIRED
It's hard to know where to start....

"the _only_ nice thing about this phone is the ability to set a timer before the pattern matching requirement kicks in when screen shuts off."
---- Here you are stating a preference as a fact. It's like saying blue is better than red. Prove it. There are lots of nice things people seem to like about this phone. As it turns out, the feature you mention as the ONLY nice thing is a feature that is meaningless and not needed for me.

Youtube videos load, start and play just fine for me and most of the other people here. So FACTUALLY (not preferentially) this is not an issue with the phone - it may be with your unit. If it was a phone issue, it would - at the very least - be widespread. It is not.

"My dad may be pleased knowing where a starbucks is 45 seconds after wondering, but come on. He still drives a buick. "
--- GPS is very quick for me. Even if it wasn't though... 45 seconds is pretty quick. Why is the name of Zeus' rear end do you need to know where a Starbucks is faster than 45 seconds? It seems like you have had ENOUGH caffeine lol. Seriously though, I get GPS results very quickly. Maybe you are in a bad reception area or something?

"The screen. Soo washed out compared to D.Inc. and resolution. I know it's the same, but it looks like I am reading a large print version of a book."
--- again, preference and opinion. I think it looks fine, and have no complaints. I hear the Inc is a great phone as well though... maybe that IS a better match for you.

"Riddle me this: Why does a 3.7" D.Inc fit 20 'shortcuts' into a folder, and the 4.3 inch X only fit 16? It just looks soo clunky."
-- Dunno - again, I think it's fine. This is another preference issue - which is NOT to say that its unimportant. Just try to avoid presenting opinions and preferences as if they were design flaws.

"Contact 'shortcuts'? Choose between 2 (two) activities you do most often. TWO? wtf? why isn't everything possible listed below the shortcut when it is selected. Or is that only native Android. Nice improvement Moto."
--- This is just silly. There is only a certain amount of space available on the screen. It is what it is. That said, when I made a shortcut, it told me I could make the shortcut bigger if I wanted to include more options.

"and why is the shortcut double the size necessary? wtf."
--- and exactly what size is necessary? Says who? Preference again.

"dialing? no name lookup. scroll through your contact list. very intuitive."
--- perhaps you should have looked into this one more before posting this point. I will let you poke around some more and find the answer... but I'll give ya a hint.... you're wrong.

"How about widgets? Add widget: Android or Moto? how do i know? if it's not in one, check the other? what kind of bs is that?"
---this one made me chuckle. I assume you don't have time to look in both because you are in a mad rush to get to Starbucks?

It's a great phone - IMO - and I would urge you to give it some time. But I also hear the Inc is nice... but you didn't like that either. I dunno... maybe the iphone is the phone for you. Android isn't for everyone - preference IS important, find something you like.

Take care,

I just cut my whole reply. I realize that you like Moto's UI. So far, I do not. That may change. I don't know. But I'm not hear to rain on your parade. Thanks, sorta, for taking the time to reply.

Preference is not fact. Hmm. I like that. I'm going to use that somewhere...
LOLOLOL.....Soon to be released froyo 2.2. thats funny. Who told you that?

Lot's of people, and reliable sources. Google it on the Internet, but I've heard from credible sources it will arrive. It's suppose to arrive after the Droids update in August. I would guess around the third or last week of August. Maybe September its always hard to say but it will indeed be soon and it will be 2.2.
The problem with guys like the OP is until everything is handed to them on a platter, they'll never be satisfied. If you approach something with a poor attitude, you'll most likely get poor results.
Your argument could be used by MS for WinMo 5. How stupid does that sound? Well, that's how stupid you sound.

I don't need anything handed to me. But I prefer not to have to click 7 times to send you a txt to call you a dumba~~.

And for the record, I had a great attitude. I had just convinced vzn to send me an X to replace my inc. and then got my X 2 wks faster than I was told I would. I was like a 7 year old opening a giant box on christmas only to find boxer shorts and socks.

Having your expectations shot in the a~~ is not a bad attitude, is not expecting something handed to you. I didn't spend your money on my phone. So I was hoping _I_ would like what i bought.

I didn't, and thought maybe I'd find some help on a forum. Thankfully for droidforums, you are not their ambassador.

Have a good day.

Ricky Schroeder
OK, I have only spent about 5 minutes with the Inc, so I can't really comment on it. The gps on MY DX works fine, it is very fast and I am happy with it.

But when people present preferences or anomolies and present them as design flaws it kinda drives me nuts. Case in point. You said this:
"Car Charger
Plug the USB cable in any powered slot and charge your Incredible.
Droid X? Forget it. I'm on my 3rd USB car charger and the Droid still won't recognize it."

Huh? Forget what? I have two car chargers, different makers - and they both work fine. I haven't seen anyone else complain about it - what you have is likely a faulty unit. It's the most OBVIOUS conclusion... but you presented this as a design flaw.

I think it sucks that you got a phone that is giving you problems. I wish it worked perfect for you, I really do! But it is just that. Now the other things, like the gps speed - well, I will have to take your word for it, since I have never used a Inc, except for like 5 minutes at a VZW store.

The op kinda stormed in with an attitude that puts everyone on the defensive - I don't think he meant anything personal. He was probably just frustrated. But maybe he could have ASKED about some solutions, not come in and say (in effect) "The phone you all like so much sucks!"

Just my opinion.

Take care,

I was def. wound up after 2 or 3 days of total frustration :) . So my apologies to all.

In my mind, the questions not asked were implied my the comments. Thanks all for the feedback. I am sure no one cares, but I will notify the board which way I go (Inc or X). If only for the next guy...
The problem with guys like the OP is until everything is handed to them on a platter, they'll never be satisfied. If you approach something with a poor attitude, you'll most likely get poor results.
Your argument could be used by MS for WinMo 5. How stupid does that sound? Well, that's how stupid you sound.

I don't need anything handed to me. But I prefer not to have to click 7 times to send you a txt to call you a dumba~~.

And for the record, I had a great attitude. I had just convinced vzn to send me an X to replace my inc. and then got my X 2 wks faster than I was told I would. I was like a 7 year old opening a giant box on christmas only to find boxer shorts and socks.

Having your expectations shot in the a~~ is not a bad attitude, is not expecting something handed to you. I didn't spend your money on my phone. So I was hoping _I_ would like what i bought.

I didn't, and thought maybe I'd find some help on a forum. Thankfully for droidforums, you are not their ambassador.

Have a good day.

Ricky Schroeder

From your opening post up until right now it has not really appeared that you wanted help, just that you wanted to complain and defend your right to complain.

From what I see here simply put is the Droid is not for you. OK, we get that. Giving examples on how you've been "clever" enough to get one phone or another are not impressive. Plain and simple this phone is not for you. I would say that you want something that's quick and easy to use out of the box with applications already installed. You want an iPhone. Problem is there is no iPhone for Verizon.

So go to the Incredible since you seem to be able to live with that and good luck. I really don't see any sense in this thread continuing at this point. Have a good day and let us know how your Incredible works out for you again when you get that.
For the people complaining about not being able to type names in the dialer you can simply use the search function. It's actually faster than going into the dialer anyway. Just hit the magnifying glass and just start typing away. Sense UI obviously has some nice features but I think people are growing too dependent on them.

Thank you. I will try that approach. Are you saying, from any screen, just click the search button when I want to dial? I'll probably try before you reply, so please do only if I am wrong...

thx again
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