So who has unlimited data and not the crappy new plans

I'm on the unlimited plan with the 20% for actively working for a company that has a contract with Verizon (they actually just purchased them) ;)

Any-who what is this magical $20 credit per line? I have a family share plan with a 4g unlimited bionic and a limited 2gb iPhone. Would really love to bump it up but don't think it's possible. They also will not offer my 20% discount on any of the other two lines. I assume this is standard practice? If anyone else can confirm it'd be greatly appreciated.

my plan is 24% off on everything, 4 phones, data plan, and any accessories bought at Verizon

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
Don't remember if I already commented, but I have 2 lines with unlimited data.

Sent from my Cellular telecommunications device, manufactured by Motorola.
Wow dude I've only used about 18-20gigs with tethering! You must be eating that **** up!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Does anyone have the talk, text plus data that has the $20 discount on data per line and have an employee discount on top of that?
unlimited right here. good thing too cause their biggest plan couldnt accommodate my data usage amounts.
Unlimited here too, with work discount.

Never used that much data on my OG Droid, but I've been blowing up my Nexus for the last week.
unlimited here as well. Thank god. Never going to switch unless they get rid of the unlimited data.