So, you say you can't get the Maps Update...


Premium Member
Premium Member
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Burlington, NC
I tried a number of times to get the latest Google Maps update (4.4) and failed each time. Then I went back to something that was posted here and on My Droid Life when people were having the same issue with updating to 4.3. It works like a charm - first time.....

Open terminal emulator and type the following. At the end of each line push enter.

mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 dev/block/mtdblock4 system
busybox rm system/app/Maps.apk
cd system/bin
sh pm uninstall
cd ..
cd ..
mount -o ro,remount -t yaffs2 dev/block/mtdblock4 system

That's it. The only thing I would add (just to be proper) would be to type:


Then reboot, log in to maps and enjoy.
Okay, so I'm a little confused about this and maybe someone can help me out.

I have a rooted Droid with another Kernel on it and I can't get the update to Google Maps to install. I have Titanium Backup installed on my phone as well.

Now here is the crazy part! When I go to type the code list above I get to the part where you type busybox and it says that I don't have busybox installed. Now I might be mistaken but I believe that Titanium Backup installs busybox when you use it.

Now I might also be typing somethings wrong with the destination (if busybox is in another folder....if that is possible I'm not sure) But when i try to execute the line that has busybox in it, I don't get past that.

Any help would be appreciated.

Open T.Band press problem. That will install busybox. To check, open terminal emulator, type su, enter, then busybox enter. You should get a whole list of items.
No, just omit the "busybox" part of the command... The RM command will work natively ...
Okay I'm going to try it without the busybox portion. But was is T.Band Press Problem?
Asking in case the other doesn't work.
I would like to thank RW-1. It worked without the Busybox.

mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 dev/block/mtdblock4 system
rm system/app/Maps.apk
cd system/bin
sh pm uninstall
cd ..
cd ..
mount -o ro,remount -t yaffs2 dev/block/mtdblock4 system

Thanks again.