Soak test for Droid 3 update started today

I read that the x2 was on 2.3.5 in the comments. Why are we still on 2.3.4??

Because we're the red-headed step child. Even the European, Canadian, and Chinese versions are on 2.3.6.

Sent from my 3rd reincarnation of the ever-so-lovable Droid
There are no noticeable differences between 2.3.4 and up...most of them are device specific tweaks and fixes anyway. As Doogald pointed out, if you look at the actual changelogs you'll see that there are no desirable features that are "left out" in 2.3.4
5.7.906 is being pushed to devices now. Mine included.

Sent from my 3rd reincarnation of the ever-so-lovable Droid
5.7.906 is being pushed to devices now. Mine included.

Sent from my 3rd reincarnation of the ever-so-lovable Droid

It's a good update. Doesent introduce any new problems (at least it hasn't for me, and the general consensus on the private soak test forums was the same) and helps make the phone a little more snappy, plus the camera takes pics a lot faster. :)

Just wish this game out 3 months ago; its been a very long wait between updates for the D3.
I got nothing against the new build (no doubt it's snappier), but since rooting and installing a custom recovery, I found that going in every week or two and clearing cache (and rebuilding the Dalvik cache) has done wonders for response time. It seems that "dust" builds up, even with reboots, after several days.

I totally agree about the wait. Truthfully, I am happy with the D3, yet totally disgusted that 2 short months after buying it (10/2011) there was already news of the D4. I am still pretty surprised how quickly the D3 user base was dropped. I certainly won't start a Motorola boycott, but this has me wondering how I can avoid feeling so burned the next time I renew.

I totally agree about the wait. Truthfully, I am happy with the D3, yet totally disgusted that 2 short months after buying it (10/2011) there was already news of the D4. I am still pretty surprised how quickly the D3 user base was dropped. I certainly won't start a Motorola boycott, but this has me wondering how I can avoid feeling so burned the next time I renew.

You may have purchased in October, but the phone was out in July.

I'm not sure what you mean by "dropped" - the phone just received an update!

I think that last year was a crazy year with the LTE Verizon rollout. They wanted the manufacturers to get handsets out that supported LTE as soon as possible, as it was definitely a marketing difference between VZW and AT&T. Now that the D4 is out, I suspect that Moto will be back to updating the keyboard line every 10 months (if they come out with a keyboard phone at all, that is.) Also, of course, Motorola has new management anyway.
Let me first note that you've made dozens of good contributions to the forum, so the last thing I want to do is irritate/annoy you -- but we'll also have to find a way to politely disagree on this issue. My instinct is to pick apart your response, line by line, but that's not a very gracious thing to do (unless you think the PM route makes more sense). In lieu of that, I'll just note the D4 was announced less than 6 months after the D3 release (let's not go down the "that's the mobile-electronics world for you" road), and that, IIRC the D3 has received exactly two updates in almost a year (the first OTA looks like Sep 2011, Droid 3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

Your LTE argument is spinning the story in a very positive light, and the prediction that we'll see more D3 updates optimistic. I'd wager this is our last update, if not for a friendly, little EOL "bugfix" in the next 4-5 months. I also think when people post and say "Gee, will the D3 get ICS?" and someone responds, "Well, Motorola hasn't definitively said 'no' yet" that that's ignoring a lot of facts and common sense. Some phones clearly receive more attention than others, and in this case the D3 quickly fell to the back of the pile -- maybe a bit too quickly for my tastes.

I tapped on my phone settings and about the phone and the update was there waiting to be downloaded. Doing it now.
Let me first note that you've made dozens of good contributions to the forum, so the last thing I want to do is irritate/annoy you -- but we'll also have to find a way to politely disagree on this issue. My instinct is to pick apart your response, line by line, but that's not a very gracious thing to do (unless you think the PM route makes more sense). In lieu of that, I'll just note the D4 was announced less than 6 months after the D3 release (let's not go down the "that's the mobile-electronics world for you" road), and that, IIRC the D3 has received exactly two updates in almost a year (the first OTA looks like Sep 2011, Droid 3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

Your LTE argument is spinning the story in a very positive light, and the prediction that we'll see more D3 updates optimistic. I'd wager this is our last update, if not for a friendly, little EOL "bugfix" in the next 4-5 months. I also think when people post and say "Gee, will the D3 get ICS?" and someone responds, "Well, Motorola hasn't definitively said 'no' yet" that that's ignoring a lot of facts and common sense. Some phones clearly receive more attention than others, and in this case the D3 quickly fell to the back of the pile -- maybe a bit too quickly for my tastes.

It's surely your right to disagree - I don't mind at all. I did think it was a bit of an exaggeration to talk about the disappointment of the D4 being announced two months after buying the D3 - the phone was out for three when you bought it, and the D4 was still about four months from release (it was formally announced on February 7 this year for release on the 10th.)

I think that Bionic users have a lot more to complain about with the Razr - out two months after the Bionic's release - and even Razr owners about the Razr Maxx - than D3 users have to complain about the D4. (And, yes, 7 months is pretty close.)

Neither you nor I know if the D3 will receive more updates; only time will tell. However, the DX2 is getting an update, the Droid 2 recently had an update (last month), and even the OG Droid had a security update at the end of 2011 - why would Motorola suddenly not update this one phone going forward?
I did think it was a bit of an exaggeration to talk about the disappointment of the D4 being announced two months after buying the D3
You're absolutely right, my bad. I should have phrased that more carefully.

I think that Bionic users have a lot more to complain about with the Razr - out two months after the Bionic's release - and even Razr owners about the Razr Maxx - than D3 users have to complain about the D4. (And, yes, 7 months is pretty close.)
True dat.

Neither you nor I know if the D3 will receive more updates; only time will tell. However, the DX2 is getting an update, the Droid 2 recently had an update (last month), and even the OG Droid had a security update at the end of 2011 - why would Motorola suddenly not update this one phone going forward?
Those are the polite "EOL bugfixes" I was referring to -- not really updates so much as minor patches/fixes. I guess what I mean by "no more updates" is no real changes in functionality. But that may be more a matter of semantics (i.e., "updates" vs. "version changes").
