To Everyone thinking about buying a DROID....
I thought I would make a post about the adjustment period you WILL have switching to an Android device for the first time. This does not apply for those who are just upgrading their current Android phone to the DROID. Let me start by saying that the DROID is the first Android device I have owned. Prior to this I owned A BB Curve, Storm, and a Palm Pre. The first thing I noticed coming to the DROID was the lack of applications it came with in its stock form (looking back this was mostly because I was only familiar with BB applications and the way they function). I wouldn't say I was underwhelmed by the stock apps more so I was overwhelmed with having to learn how to live in the "google cloud" and try not to miss a beat in my daily life... I had to learn to integrate my life with google. After I adjusted to this, I started getting more and more functionality out of those stock applications and I started REALLY enjoying my phone. This is about when I realized that there literally thousands of apps and widgets in market I could now use to supplement, replace or run alongside my pre installed apps. It was after this that my DROID became great. VZW and MOTO left all the proprietary crap off the phone so we could make ours. Now my phone is ME, it does what I want it to do and everything I ask it to do, it looks like MY phone, it just DOES everything the way I want. This is the best part about Android your phone is completely custom, it is what you make and it will only ever be what you want it to be. So my message is don't get frustrated it will come together and if your phone doesn't do what you need it to its probably because you haven't asked yet! PM me if you need help or just search this forum and you will find lots of great apps and advice from very helpful people. Lastly enjoy your phone it IS the best phone on the market now!