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SQUIDLY 2.3.20 ROM here it is same theme as 2.0 but new base official

I am coming from stock. The problem arises from videos that i have recorded from the phone. They seem to be connected to the HDMI out issue, because that icon would appear in the upper left hand corner. Now it's gone as is the HDMI option in settings after I deleted the extdisplay apks.
how many did you have honestly I recorded 4 videos and played them back today no problem try dowloading again and installing the zip again see if that helps if not ,if you could pm me a list of your apks in system app that would be helpful. it doesnt make sense.

list of scripts definitions is on beginning page
I deleted the extdisplay apk before I recored, or tried to watch videos, since the d2 doesnt have an hdmi connector. What ROM did you come from? Stock?
Found the problem the sbf is missing stagefright from the lib and that is what's causing the issue will make a fix tomorrow.
list of scripts definitions is on beginning page

Squidly, thanks for all your work. I'm digging the rom. I can tell grammar is not you strong point so I cleaned up your first post a little so that everyone can understand. :) Just copy and paste it in the first post...and edit if you'd like.

To install:

  1. Place ROM on SD Card
  2. Reboot into Clockwork Recovery
  3. Create Backup
  4. Wipe Cache - optional...redo with wipe if having problems
  5. Wipe Data - optional...redo with wipe if having problems
  6. Mount System
  7. Mount Data
  8. Install Zip From SD Card
  9. Reboot back into Android
Everything is done with scripts through terminal emulator (you must download it from market). Type su then any of the commands. I also have built in overclocking.

The scripts are:

  1. ads -s -b: s shows ads, b blocks them
  2. adwlauncher -rm -ins: rm removes adwlauncher, ins installs it (make sure there is full blur/another launcher there before removing)
  3. amazon -rm -ins: rm removes amazon mp3, ins installs it
  4. apps2sd: installs all apps to the sdcard
  5. battmanfix: fixes battery manager fc's (very common problem in everything)
  6. blurhomeca: installs blur calender and home
  7. blursocialapps -rm -ins: rm removes blur social apps, ins installs them
  8. bmanager -rm -ins: rm removes battery manager, ins installs it
  9. browser -rm -ins: rm removes browser, ins installs it
  10. busy: installs busybox (already installed but if you ere to update place in bin and run script)
  11. calcu -rm -ins: rm removes calculator, ins installs it
  12. cardock -rm -ins: rm removes cardock, ins installs it
  13. carhome -rm -ins: rm removes car home, installs it
  14. cpuinfo: show cpu specs
  15. deskgoogle -rm -ins: rm removes desk clock google, ins installs it
  16. email -rm -ins: rm removes email google, ins installs it
  17. emailblur -rm -ins: rm removes emailblur, ins installs it
  18. facebook -rm -ins: rm removes facebook, ins installs it (if it is in system/app)
  19. fixperm: fixes permissions
  20. fullblur: goes full blur (stock squidly at install)
  21. genie -rm -ins: rm removes genie news and weather, ins installs it
  22. godmode: allows editing of files /full permissions
  23. googlecal: installs google calender (in stock squidly)
  24. handcent -rm -ins: rm removes handcent, ins installs it
  25. hotspot -rm -ins: rm removes 3g hotspot, ins installs it
  26. launcher2 -rm -ins: rm removes launcher 2, ins installs it
  27. lwp -rm -ins: rm removes live wallpaper, ins installs it
  28. mms -rm -ins: rm removes google mms, ins installs it (stock squidly)
  29. mmsblur -rm -ins: rm removes blur mms and installs google mms, ins installs blur mms
  30. office -rm -ins: rm removes quickoffice, ins installs it
  31. overclock: in the overclock file a setscript.sh for your tweaking is there, this will activate it.
  32. oc1.1: overclock to 1.1ghz
  33. oc1.2: overclock to 1.2 ghz
  34. oc1.3: overclock to 1.3 ghz
  35. oc1.4: overclock to 1.4 ghz
  36. oc1.42: overclock to 1.42 ghz
  37. ocbattsaver: stock mhz low voltage to save on battery
  38. sound -d -e: d disable camera sounds, e enable them
  39. spareparts -rm -ins: rm remove spareparts, ins installs it
  40. stockd2wallpaper: installs stock d2 wallpaper (if changed during themeing)
  41. stocksquidly: goes back to the way it was
  42. switchboot: place new boot on sd run script
  43. switchlwp: place new live wallpaper on sd run script
  44. switchmms: place new mms on sd run script
  45. switchmusic: place new music app on sd run script
  46. swype -rm -ins: rm removes swype, ins installs it
  47. sys -ro -rw: ro sets system as read only, rw sets it as read/write
  48. themeblurhomecal: ???
  49. themed2wallpaper: ???
  50. thememailblur: ???
  51. thememmsblur: ???
  52. themeweawidget: ???
  53. tips -rm -ins: rm removes pro tips, ins installs it
  54. twitter -rm -ins: rm removes twitter, ins installs it (it is in system/app)
  55. usb -e -d: d disables usb mass storage, e enables it
  56. vvoicemail -rm -ins: rm removes visual voicemail, ins installs it
  57. weawidget -rm -ins: rm removes weather widget, ins installs it
  58. zipalign_apks: optimizes applications on your phone(already done on my rom but could be used on apps)
There you go full explanation.

The ROM comes blur free except for the stock contacts and phone, but you can add full blur or basically whatever you like or don’t like. If at any point switching around the system you get a battery manager fc then run the battmanfix script. When switching from blur to stock squidly after - you must do a full reboot.

Thank you! Download link SQUIDLYv2.3.20.zip
If you like my work please donate via paypal to majsph1@msn.com
Thank you sorry I was in rush, and alot of people needed explanations of the scripts.I have a working fix for the video problem I will post the link when I get home from work at around 5 eastern. No need to fret I have your back
Did that just happen out of the blue, were you switching scripts, did you clear anything it sounds like somehow settings storage data/cache was cleared.
Thank you sorry I was in rush, and alot of people needed explanations of the scripts.I have a working fix for the video problem I will post the link when I get home from work at around 5 eastern. No need to fret I have your back

Perfect! Thank you for the ROM and the descriptions! Ill be certain to donate soon!
No worries I do it for the love,the way it should be.Ok here is the video fix for you guys who are having trouble install through clockwork mount system and its all better and after this I believe Im pretty much bug free yay!!!.I am also updating the rom with the fix from here on out also I am building a full blur rom so you can choose stock squidly or full blur at download.Here is the fix squidly2.3.20videofix.zip
So for the technologically challenged ... what do I do with this?

No worries I do it for the love,the way it should be.Ok here is the video fix for you guys who are having trouble install through clockwork mount system and its all better and after this I believe Im pretty much bug free yay!!!.I am also updating the rom with the fix from here on out also I am building a full blur rom so you can choose stock squidly or full blur at download.Here is the fix squidly2.3.20videofix.zip
hey man i switched from the droid 2 to the x are you going to make any for that or will your rom work for the x since there similar, i always had a smooth d2 with your roms with 1700-1900 quadrants not overclocked. wish you were on the x
Install it just as you would a rom, don't wipe please its just a few things then it will be fixed.
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