I have to say that I have a hard time believing the guys who say that there was dust between the backing and the film. If you only noticed it when putting the film on the screen, chances are dust worked its way in before you could get the protector down. Dust is sneaky like that, and it's incredible how much there is in the air. I, too, had problems with dust getting on the screen while I was trying to apply the screen protector (but it's no big deal! See my tips.), but I'm certain that my dust came from the air, because I was intensely thurough removing dust from the screen, and I checked the protector before applying it to make sure it had no flaws.
My tips for applying screen protectors:
1) Wash your hands with dish soap prior to doing ANYTHING. This will remove all grease that is on your finger, so just in case you touch the back of the protector, it doesn't matter.
2) Go into your bathroom, close the door, turn on the shower nice and hot, and let it get humid in the room. This will help knock a large amount of the dust out of the air. When I originally tried to install the protector in my dining room, I noticed that dust would appear on my screen within about 5 seconds of me wiping it down. By going into a humid environment, I only had to deal with 1 particle of dust during the entire application process.
3) If you get some dust between the screen and the protector, IT'S OK! All you need is a loop of Scotch tape (sticky side out). Remove the screen protector enough to expose the particle of dust, then gently tap the sticky part of the tape against the protector where the dust is. The dust should stick to the tape, and the tape should not do any damage to your screen protector (note: I'm not liable for tape doing damage to your screen protector, blah blah blah, but I had to do this for that piece of dust I mentioned, and it worked fine).
Hope this helps.
Now as for my thoughts on the Steinheil Crystal, it's fantastic. It's cut well, it's very durable (I used to have a Phantom Skinz shild on, and I could actually scratch that with my fingernail. I can NOT scratch the Steinheil with my fingernail.), and it has a good feel while not affecting the sensitivity of the screen at all. Some people have said it feels just like the glass screen, which I disagree with. However, it's not too far off, and it feels FAR less plastic-y than Invisible Shield, Phantom Skinz, etc. Some people have wondered if it reducing skin sticking to the screen when you get sweaty fingers, and no, it does not. The sticking is about the same as the naked screen, so not an improvement, but it's no worse. In the end, I would very much recommend this to anybody looking to get a high quality screen protector.