Confucious continued...
Don't get me wrong, I'd gladly take his bank account.... but the world is full of sheep.... they'll just follow along.
Maybe the new iPhone 4.0 could have a 'wool' case... to make the sheep more comfortable
The iphone is an appliance. The other option would be to turn it into the Wild West (ala Android) and then can you imagine trying to support rooting (jailbreaking) etc? His goal is to provide a pleasing consistent experience that the users can't break. The same strategy that Palm set out with. Palm KNEW they could not sustain growth with just 5 apps. But they made those 5 apps work.
Now, Android seems to have more intelligent users (on the whole) can you imagine if the fanboys tried to half of the stuff that goes on here? If you think the questions are ludicrous now can yu imagine what it would be like if Aunt Lucy and grandma Jane were trying to figure out an Android?
It is just like 'the old days' when I used to teach Lotus 1.5 classes to a bunch of 65 year olds who thought an adding machine was high tech. Also, he does ned to make sure that the iTunes store is family friendly. He is not making all of his money form the apps - he wants it to be a safe palce for 12 year olds to buy MP3s.
I wouldn't mind if Google cleaned up the Market too.