Stick with RAZR or trade in???


New Member
Jan 4, 2012
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I got the razr for christmas. It is my first smart phone and i like it. Not much too complain about besides the battery, but i know that is expected with 4G. Didn't know much about the galaxy nexus when I get the razr, but it seems like that is the phone to get. I feel like the only reason i haven't traded in for the nexus is because "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". but idk...seems like the nexus will be the better phone 1-2 years from now. I have untill jan 15th to decide and would appreciate any input between the two.

The phone to get? I did about a month of comparing and chose the Razr. What do you think you are missing out on? I'm sure it is a great phone as well, but my research led to the Razr.

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Stay with the Razr...I had the Gnex and the reception was horrible on it kept dropping calls in places my droid x never did,plus it couldn't hold a data connection worth a crap.Guess this is a major problem with these...I loved ICS and the phone itself but I can't have a phone with crappy reception...I traded the Gnex for a razr and love it...
Considering you posted this in the Razr forum, your going to get a heavy dose of pro-Razr responses, and honestly I am not going to be an exception. I purchased the Razr with the full intent to exchange it for the Nexus, but when the Nexus finally dropped, I was so happy with my Razr (and not blown away by the Nexus) that I decided to stick with it.

However, while trying to remain somewhat objective, if you have the desire to tinker with things and want the hobby of modifying your phone, you may like what the Nexus has to offer. I spent hours with my OG Droid, and absolutely loved flashing new ROMs and making it completely my own. However, it does come with a price as the device might be *slightly* less stable (more force closes, occasional restarts, etc.), but that did not take away from my enjoyment in making my droid 100% unique.

Overall, you can't go wrong with either the Razr or the Nexus (or the Rezound for that matter), but just know what you want and need. Take plenty of time and read through both the Razr and Nexus forums and it should become pretty clear what will work for you.
I got the razr for christmas. It is my first smart phone and i like it. Not much too complain about besides the battery, but i know that is expected with 4G. Didn't know much about the galaxy nexus when I get the razr, but it seems like that is the phone to get. I feel like the only reason i haven't traded in for the nexus is because "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". but idk...seems like the nexus will be the better phone 1-2 years from now. I have untill jan 15th to decide and would appreciate any input between the two.


Since you're a first time smartphone user the razr should work perfectly fine for you. each phone has a few pros and cons that make one better than the other. You just have to find what you think is most important. For example the screen on the nexus is a little bigger and a lot nicer looking and it has ICS already. Also the nexus has a removable battery. IMO I like the razr a little more because I think it looks better, the slim profile is awesome, I think web top has potential and most importantly, it has SD card support. Keep in mind the razr will inevitably get ICS but its waiting game. If you intend to root and flash custom rooms the galaxy may be better, but IMO the razr has a slight edge.
From what I can see the Razr is most stable and reliable of the 'big three'. The old 'if it ain't broke' makes a lot of sense.
IMHO the rezound is the way to go. I'm a bionic user now coming from a thunderbolt and sense blows blur out of the water, but the razr is also much better than the bionic so :/
Re: 1-2 years from now nexus will be the better phone"

Lol, 1-2 years the nexus and the razr will be dinosaurs. I have a Droid x it was the bomb 10 months ago

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Thats the thing...i dont think i was planning a rooting it. im not the biggest computer guy. it seems that the nexus is more or a "nerd" phone and more for people who root it
Yea....I agree with alot of whats said here.

If it aint broke....dont fix it. Thats all that needs to be I tell that to Bionic users too.

It depends on what you want, need, want to do and dont want to do. This post is probably the perfect response:

Considering you posted this in the Razr forum, your going to get a heavy dose of pro-Razr responses, and honestly I am not going to be an exception. I purchased the Razr with the full intent to exchange it for the Nexus, but when the Nexus finally dropped, I was so happy with my Razr (and not blown away by the Nexus) that I decided to stick with it.

However, while trying to remain somewhat objective, if you have the desire to tinker with things and want the hobby of modifying your phone, you may like what the Nexus has to offer. I spent hours with my OG Droid, and absolutely loved flashing new ROMs and making it completely my own. However, it does come with a price as the device might be *slightly* less stable (more force closes, occasional restarts, etc.), but that did not take away from my enjoyment in making my droid 100% unique.

Overall, you can't go wrong with either the Razr or the Nexus (or the Rezound for that matter), but just know what you want and need. Take plenty of time and read through both the Razr and Nexus forums and it should become pretty clear what will work for you.

Thats the thing...i dont think i was planning a rooting it. im not the biggest computer guy. it seems that the nexus is more or a "nerd" phone and more for people who root it

Its kind of a gray area right now. It should be a phone that you dont have to tinker with, learn to root and whatnot. Just read thru the different forums like Lars said...that will give you a better understanding of what you want, need.
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Thats the thing...i dont think i was planning a rooting it. im not the biggest computer guy. it seems that the nexus is more or a "nerd" phone and more for people who root it

I'm also not the biggest computer guy (from a technical standpoint), but found myself very intrigued and interested in the world of rooting and being a "nerd" with my OG Droid. You may not learn to be a developer or create your own ROMs, but everything you need to root and customize your device can be learned and accomplished from these forums. I had a few friends who also had the OG Droid, and when they first saw my phone after I had it overclocked and flashed my first ROM, they were blown away and immediately asking me for help. They could not believe how my Droid was running circles around their slightly laggy devices, and loved amount of customization that was possible. While I was completely hooked for about a year, the novelty did eventually wear off, and towards the end of my days with the OG Droid I was simply looking for ways to keep everything stable.

Now, to be fair, things changed in my life (started law school) and I did not have near the time to devote to my Droid, and when it was time to upgrade I wanted something fast, stable, and simply awesome. If you have the time, and have any interest in a completely making the device your own, don't be turned away by a lack of computer know-how. I still say you can't go wrong with either device, but just be sure to read as much as you can, because if you have a question, it's probably been asked and answered.

Good Luck!
I got the razr for christmas. It is my first smart phone and i like it. Not much too complain about besides the battery, but i know that is expected with 4G. Didn't know much about the galaxy nexus when I get the razr, but it seems like that is the phone to get. I feel like the only reason i haven't traded in for the nexus is because "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". but idk...seems like the nexus will be the better phone 1-2 years from now. I have untill jan 15th to decide and would appreciate any input between the two.


there's no question the GN is superior. play with one at the store DancingNexus:D
there's no question the GN is superior. play with one at the store DancingNexus:D

Actually I would advise against playing with one in the store. When I knew I had the GN on the way I went into 2 different stores to play with a GN....walked out of both stores doubting my decision to change from the Razr to the GN.\

Got my GN and couldn't be happier to report that the demo models were crap and in no way close to the actual experience you will have with yours.

My with someone else's....go into the VZW store and ask if any of the rep's have a GN as a personal device. Ask to play with it for a couple minutes.
I bought the RAZR with every intention of returning it later for a GN; my rooted OG Droid could not carry me through a day any more. I have to admit that I enjoyed the RAZR so much I bought my son one. The phone does what I need it to, and I was not impressed by what I have seen and experienced when playing around with GNs. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. My RAZR is for me.
I say keep it. If not. The Gnex is a great alternative. Those two are the best IMO. The Razr did get the phone of the year award. But I don't really think its the best. The best is what's right for you! Peace!

Tapped via Motorola Droid Razr!