I upgraded from the OG from over 2 years ago. I'm at day 7 with my trial period for the Nexus. I have to say, I'm not impressed with the sound quality at all. I used to be able to talk on my motorola in my lab with no problems at all, but I have to hold my finger to my other ear to block out any noise outside of the phone conversation just so that I can make out what is being said. I took a call while I was outside of the hospital today and the sound still sucked. Both times I was on the phone with someone on the iPhone 3GS and she was outside of a building. We're in a city with great coverage so I attribute the poor sound quality to the hardware. Maybe I just have a bad device, as others have had to exhchange theirs for a new one. I'm giving this nexus a little more time. I really want to like it and want to be convinced that it will work out because I really like the replacable batt and I can do without the Razr's SD card (never ever took mine out of my OG) so Nexus would seem like a good choice. BUT ultimately, I'd like to have good sound quality when I need it. I don't even want to imagine what the sound would be like if the signal was bad. I'll keep reading posts and maybe those in the know can enlighten me on whats coming down the road as far as fixes/updates go.