Just a quick update on SlideIT. I've been using the paid version for a while now, works very nicely. Registration of where I am seems for some reason a lot better than the stock Droid screen keyboard. Took a bit of getting used to, but other than that, seems to work quite well. As I use it more, my accuracy and more importantly speed seem to be steadily getting better.
I do have a suggestion or two, for the perspective customer. First, check out the base web site:
Dasur SlideIT - Mobile Text Input for Touchscreen devices
The videos are pretty instructive, lets you get the general idea, and then I'd suggest going through the PDF:
SlideIT Manual- easy and friendly application
which is only 10 pages, and has a quite useful set of abbreviations on page 7 on (although it has the weirdest column/page thing going on; WTH)
Here's a youtube demo, someone posted, demo on Android:
[video=youtube;229U0ZYPum8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=229U0ZYPum8]YouTube - SlideIT for Android[/video]
I do think that Swype is a little more visually attractive, the darker keys are a bit more in keeping with the Droid layouts and scheme, but SlideIT works, and is maybe just a tad higher contrast. I liked this video on Swype:
[video=youtube;mRUoWUhcRlE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRUoWUhcRlE]YouTube - Swype for Android demo[/video]
Pretty easy to compare the two to see the differences in appearance. I think Swype's capitalization thing is better, but I do like the way that SlideIT has the suggestions across the top (it's easier to see when the right one comes up, and then just go pick it). I like the way that SlideIT handles the extra characters (the 12@, scroll up and down) screen, I do occasional interactions with foreign symbols, that's nice to be so easily reached. And SlideITs bulk load of the dictionary is a handy feature, lets you download and use the dictionary extensions of one of your PC word processors. I also like the way SlideIT vibrates, not quite key feedback, and a bit funky, but it seems to help me type better. And I will say this for SlideIT, no FCs, seems extremely stable.
The Swype viral marketing campaign, intentional or not, was virtually genius. By "leaking", they got tons of attention. I still think the Swype folks should get their App out on the Android Market, hard to know if Verizon or Motorola will ever cut them a deal on the Droid, and if Swype wouldn't do it directly, let someone else put it there and do the support. But the products are very similar, SlideIT definitely has some things it does better, and these programs are very similar when you get down to it.