Well, I explored SlideIt and bought it, b/c:
- It has editing features that smoke Swype
- It's faster on my Droid
- If offers Graffiti, which comes in handy
- It's faster on my Droid!
- It's just a better place to be - a fully supported, fully paid-for app. Hey - we're not talking big dollars here.
I'll need to live with it for some number of days to really know what it's like to live with SlideIt, but on first blush, it's a winner.
Thanks for the info in this thread!
Thanks also for all the info in this thread. I went ahead and bought the SlideIT keyboard, it was a bit tricky to install, but it seems to work, still learning.
I guess the thing about Swype, which actually is what got me looking for a new keyboard in the first place (well, that and fat fingers
), is that if their intent was to leak in order to do a viral marketing campaign, it was brilliant. Name included. And I do wish, having played a bit now with SlideIT, that Verizon or Moto had broken down, and added Swype (or SlideIT) to the Droid. Would have been another nice little "Droid Does!" sort of thing. But ultimately, I made a conscious decision not to install Swype, not that it would have been at all difficult or anything, but it was really a basic principles issue for me. If the Swype intent was to not have it leaked, which is what they're pretty clear on, to install it would be morally and ethically wrong. At least by my standards. I'm kind of OK with others that come to a different interpretation, I'm not trying to impose my will or standards on others, that's something each of us has to find our own way on. But for me, I think it's best to respect Swype's intellectual property and rights, if they didn't want it distributed, well, so be it. Kind of like the "fell off the truck" thing, I know that gets used as a euphemism for "stolen", but indeed, sometimes stuff does just fall off the truck, and when you come across it, you have to decide: (1) Pick it up and say "Finders, keepers!", (2) Try and report it or get it to the legitimate owner, or (3) Drive around it. I've occasionally done (2), but more often (3). So I'm not occupying particularly high morale ground or anything.
Still, I like cool, new products like the Droid, and Android, and I realize that if I'm to see more new cool products, I have to pay a bit so that the developers have incentives to keep working on them and bringing them to market. SlideIT cost me $8.16 (I feel like I'm in arbitrage buying stuff in Euros, it's up, it's down, etc., but that's OK, I do acknowledge that not everything cool originated in the U.S.). A few are carping about the $8+, I cannot get too wound up about it, Android Apps seem to be pretty reasonably priced, as versus Apple, and after paying a couple of hundred $s for the phone and a hundred a month or so for phone/data charges, well, $8+ isn't that much. These phones are little computers, and $8 for a computer app is getting off pretty lightly.
I would encourage Swype to go ahead and bring it's product to the Android market, or cut a deal with someone else that's willing to do so.