You guys do realize the cost it would take for Verizon to dedicate teams of people to start analizing peoples accounts to see if your tethering. As another poster posted... they can only see the ammount of data transmitted. Not where you go or have been. Billing is auto generated. Not some person looking at individual usage and adding up a bill for it.
Tethering through vzaccess manager or any other software that Verizon develops or enables on your phone is the only, let me say that again.. the only way that Verizon can see that your tethering! Using pdanet.. wireless tether.. ect... only shows under your total data usage.
When I look at an account in EROES and look at someones data usage, there is two things to look at data usage and tethering usage. Tethering usage ONLY shows up if connected through vzaccess manager.
The only other way to detect tethering would to look at data trends. And spikes in data usage. But they still would have one hell of a time to prove it. And the cost involved in having people analyze This would be astronomical! Out of the 5+ years I have been in the cellphone industry I've never once had to deal with a customer billing issue due to unauthorized tethering. Never!
I've seen posts on crackberry and other sites of people making claims that they was billed for usage or canceled. But yet there has never been any proof backing up those claims. In all the years being on these tech blogs, forums, etc... one would think someone would post proof of these claims. A letter from Verizon, a bill statement, a cancellation notice. Something! But I have yet to see any proof. Period.