I remember I had a problem something like that a few days ago. I was txting a friend and went to play Quake 3. He txted me when I was playing. I ended it shortly afterwards and saw that there was a txt response there that made no sense from me. I thought nothing of it, figured I had accidentally txted him when it was meant to go to someone else. Even so, I still had and have no idea why I txted that, dont recall sending it, it made no sense and the fact that someone could have very well put that there does not surprise me. At that moment and even now, I guess Im in denial. I admit it could be true but I dont want to think of it. The amount of mess that could happen if someone had access to peoples txts and maybe even personal info is a seriously scary thought.
What of the apps? See, this is what was asked before and I even asked when I installed Quake 3 on my phone. Dont they have access to all your info, if they so desire? They could, theoretically, take passwords and everything else off there. People checking their EMails, bank accounts, paying bills on the go, all that info they could basically snatch if they wanted. And whats worse, you cant just say 'Dont use that', because if you dont you have to ask yourself why you have a phone that can do all of that. 'Oh, my phone can get online, pay bills, all that jazz but I never use it. Fear Ill be hacked.' It sounds kinda silly, might as well just downgrade.