New Member
I know this is a very old thread and I apologise for necroposting but I also have to say I've had this phenomenon happen to me before. I can't think of any logical explanation for it and I have a feeling it will always be a mystery to me but I thought I would add my two cents anyway.
Around a year ago now I used to have a Samsung Galaxy Ace on the O2 network and it worked fine - I only really needed a mobile for texting and it was more than enough to handle it. A few times I had some confusion with my boyfriend over him thinking I had said one thing when I was pretty sure I'd said another, but I assumed this was normal and just a communication mistake. However, once, I went to meet him at the pub and he was being a bit awkward with me, and asked if my stomach was okay and if I had fallen out with one of my friends. I had no idea what he was talking about and we got into an argument over it. Eventually he showed me a text - I checked and double checked, and it had definitely been sent from my phone to his - which was similar to one I had sent earlier that day but with slight differences. I checked mine to see if someone had used my phone but the one I had sent was definitely the one I typed out and different from the one he had received. The slight differences I'm talking about were, in mine I had said I was going to the doctors later that day, whereas the one he received said I felt light-headed and had a stomach ache. Also in the one I'd sent I said I wasn't going to see my friend for a while because she had gone back to university, and the one he received said I hated her and didn't want to see her again. It was as though someone had intercepted it and slightly changed most of the text apart from the end for some reason.
I sent O2 an email asking how this was possible and the only conclusion they could come up with was it was scrambled while being sent but that's impossible as it was way too well put together. It's been a mystery ever since it happened, though it hasn't happened since.
Around a year ago now I used to have a Samsung Galaxy Ace on the O2 network and it worked fine - I only really needed a mobile for texting and it was more than enough to handle it. A few times I had some confusion with my boyfriend over him thinking I had said one thing when I was pretty sure I'd said another, but I assumed this was normal and just a communication mistake. However, once, I went to meet him at the pub and he was being a bit awkward with me, and asked if my stomach was okay and if I had fallen out with one of my friends. I had no idea what he was talking about and we got into an argument over it. Eventually he showed me a text - I checked and double checked, and it had definitely been sent from my phone to his - which was similar to one I had sent earlier that day but with slight differences. I checked mine to see if someone had used my phone but the one I had sent was definitely the one I typed out and different from the one he had received. The slight differences I'm talking about were, in mine I had said I was going to the doctors later that day, whereas the one he received said I felt light-headed and had a stomach ache. Also in the one I'd sent I said I wasn't going to see my friend for a while because she had gone back to university, and the one he received said I hated her and didn't want to see her again. It was as though someone had intercepted it and slightly changed most of the text apart from the end for some reason.
I sent O2 an email asking how this was possible and the only conclusion they could come up with was it was scrambled while being sent but that's impossible as it was way too well put together. It's been a mystery ever since it happened, though it hasn't happened since.