See, you went wrong when you rooted after the sbf. You added a step that wasn't there. If you add steps, things sometimes get broken. Sounds like you're rooted now though, so all you need to do now is download the CM zip, bootstrap, and flash the zip in the recovery console.
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Well what happened was i rooted before the SBF not after.
See, after the stock flash, the superuser icon and busybox still remained in my file directory. How? i duno.. So then my Son updated it OTA and that worked fine but busybox and superuser still remained again. So when I tried rooting it wouldnt work because the exploit was leaving old files intact and not overwriting. The exploits bypass something if it looks like its there so i opened Command prompt in the folder where the adb.exe was and told the adb.exe setup a removal script first then rooting continued with its process.. Thanks for putting up with my newb user experience LOL
AND heres some important info for all the other noobs out there reading this: before i flashed my CM7 i ran a backup of my current OTA GB 2.3.3 ROM, I flashed CM7, wiped the cache, then rebooted, got stuck in a boot cycle, went back into recovery, did a factory reset, rebooted and it went to the CM7 activate screen :biggrin: no need to go back to option #1 in the thread here. Try this first. If the bootcycle doesn't go away after factory reset then its back to option #1. ROOT ONLY AFTER YOUR OTA VERIZON GINGERBREAD UPDATE TO 2.3.3, NOT BEFORE. IF YOURE ROOTED BEFORE YOUR STOCK ROM FLASH, UNROOT IT OR YOU WILL RUN INTO ROOTING ISSUES LIKE I DID.
By the way, Cyanogenmod 7 is AWESOME! my god there are so many settings and tweaks! its lighting fast!!! ALL bloatware is gone! NOT ONE VERIZON THING REMAINS! im happy as hell! dancedroid Im gonna donate to those guys. thats some goOod Gingerbread :happy3: ----& much thanks to you Havens1515!
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