remember you heard it from me first. verizon will release a phone that beats all of these 3 and comes with ics in quarter 1 2012. now of course if there are bugs or a drought in available bloatware at the time this could be pushed to quarter 2. but i guarentee it to be out by quarter 3 at the latest. follow me on twitter or donate and ill give you more exact dates. one date in mind is is the 16th. and since this would a thursday its a most likely date. but of course they could release on a monday which would mean it would either be earlier or later than this date. now you can take that beats as a hint or it could just be that the word fits. either way this all comes from a farce source and should be taken as such. but if it turns out to be true remember it was all me. :icon_ devil:
Man am I glad I read past "donate for exact dates", I was gonna go off.