**The Official 2011 NFL Season Thread**

On a side note, look out NFC the 9ers are only going to get better in 2012.

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Kyle williams will go down in 49er lore as a chump. May he catch every uncureable disease know to man. Am i sore, you tell me.

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Watched him to same in college, dropping punt returns to lose the game.

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Cant believe i am going to say this but.....ted ginn we needed you.
The 9ers did good considering they had no receivers. The defense kept them in it. I hope they draft a few good receivers that is what they have lacked all year long.

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What a game. I had to watch it on my phone, but still what a game:D
Kyle Williams is getting ripped bad on twitter.... I feel horrible right now because my team lost imagine how he feels being the reason.... I'm not happy with what he did but he doesn't deserve all the death threats and whatnot. But I agree we need better receivers and we will be back next year to claim our title. I'm not used to my team making it so far and losing is sucks and I won't be making fun of people like I have done in the past.

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Kyle Williams is getting ripped bad on twitter.... I feel horrible right now because my team lost imagine how he feels being the reason.... I'm not happy with what he did but he doesn't deserve all the death threats and whatnot. But I agree we need better receivers and we will be back next year to claim our title. I'm not used to my team making it so far and losing is sucks and I won't be making fun of people like I have done in the past.

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He made one boneheaded play and just couldn't hang onto the last punt. It's just the wagoners that are upset. The real fans appreciate how far the Niners got this season and already look forward to the next. I mean calling an athlete dumb or whatever isn't what I would call "acceptable", but more "expected". Death threats...that's just uncalled for and completely classless. I uttered profanities towards my TV numerous times about boneheaded plays/players, but not once did I wish death upon them. I take sports seriously, but not THAT seriously....
Seriously. How many games did Romo, Newman, and others lose for my Cowboys? Yet I'm not even giving them the death stare. At the end of the day it's a game and though it sucks to see your team lose, the vitriol is uncalled for.
I know we have a lot of Niner fans here, so I am sorry to see your team lose. I like getting a rematch vs the Giants but I like the 49ers so I would have liked to see the Niners win. Both games coming down to the end and both having missed plays leading to the outcome. Can't believe my Pats are going to their 5th Super Bowl in 10 years. I hope this time around the outcome is different vs the Giants. No one has seen David Tyree, have they????? haha
Big ups to my NY Giants :hail:, they've come a long way from mid season. looking forward to another superbowl against the patriots. should be another good one.
yesterday featured two really good games, and both the ravens and the niners have nothing to be ashamed of both teams showed up and gave their best.
Boy I sure called that one. Didn't see the
Pats winning that game but you never know. I'm taking the Giants at 14 or more over the Pats.
X2 superclocked beast
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I'm calling giants for the win they seem to just win... of course they will have 2 weeks off so that may effect things a bit
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My gut agrees that the Giants just seen to be playing at a level that will be hard to beat. Looking at the teams , I would pick NY but at the same time Brady will have a chip on highs shoulder and be focused.

Either way it is almost guaranteed to be a great game.

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If the pats are smart they will watch what san fran did to get a pass rush. They dont have the D the 9ers have but i think they can pull it off. Besides if i have to hear any more stories about Eli being "elite" I may have to vomit.
Go Pats.

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If the pats are smart they will watch what san fran did to get a pass rush. They dont have the D the 9ers have but i think they can pull it off. Besides if i have to hear any more stories about Eli being "elite" I may have to vomit.
Go Pats.

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I'm sure if anyone could just watch what SF does they would do it. But SF's front 7 is elite. They rarely have to rush more than 4 to get pressure.

I don't feel confident with the Pat's D. Flacco was able to throw the ball pretty easily. And Flacco is not that good.

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