I was speaking with my spouse (a VZW employee today). He told me that he was approached by his district manager about his "Best Device" phone upgrade. Best Device is the upgrade program VZW employees get where their company phone is paid for (this is for corporate employees - not sure about if agents get to participate in best device). Every 45 days, employees can upgrade to the newest phones.
With the Best Device program, employees have access to the newest phones 1-2 weeks after launch, but almost never right at launch. The district manager asked my spouse if he was eligible to upgrade his Best Device soon, and he said yes. He said "good!" and then asked if he wanted to get the Galaxy Nexus as his next device. My spouse said "well yeah" and the DM said "Well, on December 1st employees will be eligible for Best Device upgrades to the Nexus." Using the knowledge that we have about the 1-2 week waiting time for Best Devices, it seems as if the Galaxy Nexus might still be on schedule to launch next week.
Further, my spouse has been the marketing (OMM) person in many of his previous (and current) corporate VZW stores. He took a look at the picture on Droid-life's website (the first one showing the December 8th launch date) that had reference to marketing materials and he started shaking his head. I asked why he was shaking his head and he said to me, "This is for agent locations, not corporate. Internal VZW systems for corporate are ALWAYS red and black, with some white, not the gray color you see here." He also told me the column that says "owner" which was blacked out was which agent/retailer owns the store (such as A Wirelss, Cellular One, etc.) - the individual agent companies. He specifically told me this is NOT a corporate communication. He then went on to suggest it may be that agents (as is sometimes the case in high profile launches) that agent/indirect may be getting the Nexus a few weeks after online/corporate.
Lastly, I showed him the old screenshot from many many days ago on Droid-life that shows the device launching "w/o November 21st" and he explained that in VZW marketing, "w/o" ALWAYS refers to "week of" - NOT web only.
Take all of this for what you want. I'm having him check OMM (VZW's internal, corporate marketing system) when he goes to work tomorrow, he's going to call me and see what he can find out. He's going to check call-out cards, which will give a launch date (if one is entered at this time) and the price that the phone will be at launch (pretty sure $299 given that we know it's going to have 32GB storage and a 4G radio).