Bionic vs. RAZR
Thanks for the honest reply.
I don't use it outdoors so it's not a factor for me. However the Bionic produces a much whiter easier to read screen, while the RAZR produces a less easy to read screen with better colors. The screen on the RAZR can be turned up but I would imagine the battery would die faster.
I've read some very nice results for the RAZR battery. I don't use extended batteries so the sealed battery is a non issue.
The Smart Actions are nice but they won't make or break a decision. They obviously were put in for the battery issue.
The RAZR as far as I'm concerned has a completely superior form factor. It feels wider because it's thin but if you put it on top of a Bionic they are nearly the same.
The RAZR is definitely more Durable - the Bionic seems cheaply made with the full plastic back.
Netflix in HD doesn't excite me. I have Netflix on the Bionic and it's more of a toy right now.
ICS when it comes I think allows you to hide the bloat on all devices.
I've heard the RAZR is a little smoother but I don't notice any lag in my Bionic.
As far as the Rezound which I played with I was impressed by the screen. I hate HTC, Sense, and the fact that it's as thick as the Bionic with the extended battery without having the battery performance. Further, I think it's butt ugly and Beats is more of a turn off than turn on for me.
Now if the Nexus comes some day and is 32G and works well then it's an easy decision. But if that doesn't happen I want to make the decision between keeping the Bionic or getting the RAZR instead. If the RAZR had the brightness of the Bionic screen it might not even be a contest.
SSH, the main differences between the Bionic and Razr are as follows:
- Screen: Bionic will be easiest to read outdoors with a little more pixelation, Razr will have warmer (sometimes oversaturated) colors with more 'pop' and less pixelation. Both are pentile, so both suffer from some similarities that come with that.
- Battery: not only does stock battery life appear to be worse on the Razr, there's obviously no option for an extended battery
- Smart Actions: pretty handy app for the Razr, does some cool stuff that really adds some functionality, and some gimmicky stuff. Can mostly be recreated using Tasker or Settings Profile, or something along those lines, for the Bionic, but not as well integrated or as easy to work with.
- Form Factor: Razr is super thin and light, but feels solid. It's also very wide, and most people (even those that like it) say it's somewhat awkward at first. The Bionic is like a Droid X on steroids, but is not overly thick, and not awkwardly wide.
- Durability: The Razr, theoretically, should be more durable with it's build material/quality, the nano coating, etc.
- Netflix: Razr is the only phone the Netflix app will play HD videos on right now
- Bloat: The Razr will let you "hide" everything in your app drawer, and even uninstall some of the bloat. The Bionic is pretty typical
- Performance: Both perform almost identically to the other... however I did notice a couple of instances where the Razr maintained "smoothness" while the Bionic lagged - the stock gallery being one strong example.
Other than that, the cpu is clocked negligibly different, but everything else is the same. And a lot of those things are personal preference, so you just have to check it out and make the decision for yourself.
And honestly, you should at least check out the Rezound. It's not simply a Thunderbolt reincarnate!