I would so dump Verizon right now, if we didn't upgrade 3 out of our 5 lines on our family plan this year... the thought of Verizon's arrogance to put Backup Assistant and My Verizon on the pure Google phone just irritates the hell out of me...
This is almost like a precursor to what Verizon might do the the SGN when it comes to updates, it would not surprise me if the Verizons SGN now will have to wait on Verizons approval for OS updates... while rest of the international versions of the SGN are ahead of us in updates...
I am not arguing that Backup Assistant and My Verizon apps, that they are useless... but that leads me to think, since it is embedded into the system file, that OS updates now would have to pass trough Verizon before it is released onto the SGN. Thus, we would be probably not receiving OS updates straight from Google. Just like the OG Droid, it was vanilla stock android OS, and only had like Amazon preinstalled, and the updates on it were not as swift either.
We, as Verizon costumers already pay a premium service each month for our phones... and pay the HIGHEST premium as well for phone upgrades as well... and they don't even have the decency to give us what we want, a "pure Google experience" phone