Google Wallet - a smart, virtual wallet for in-store and online shopping
now that i am first seeing google wallet, its actually really cool. The ability to pay on your phone quickly and efficiently, not having to let cashiers mess up the orders every once in a while. And unlike a credit card, if a phone gets stolen, you know it and can deactivate everything on it including wallet. The only problem with this is that many many many places do not have new "quickpay" cashiers. I worked at staples as a cashier and to be honest, the computers they used for the cashiers were soooo big that i wasnt even aware that it was a cpu

. they had old cashier software on it and it lagged lol. it took like 15 seconds to load to get to the rewards card menu. every once in a while the cpus froze and had to be rebooted and from the information i know about old windows operating systems which is basically all starting from windows 2000 (ME), the boot showed that it was none of them, it was even older

. so what i am trying to say is that google wallet is good, but when it comes to companies like staples, its completely useless and you would need a wallet anyways.
if this is all about google wallet, then i dont mind.
vzw shouldnt be ... and know exactly what they got into with the google phone. if google has a new application that they want to make it to the bigs, then they should put it on there own phones. Who is verizon to not allow the manufacturer (of the software) to add something to the phone when afterall, without google/android, verizon would have no chance vs at@t and the iphone. However, i believe the delay was completely unnecessary because first of all- its a easy software fix that an easy and quick to make/install patch could take care of. It also should not of happened because both google and vzw should have settled the disputes when they made the contract with them. Next time, im sure google wont give a carrier exclusivity with their phone, especially verizon.
This is not all vzw's fault. its googles and samsungs as well for not sending the message to verizon that it is a pure google experience and vzw cant put crap on it, as they minimally already did with the 2 bloatware vzw apps.