I lost 100 posts! Still Ninja status and I earned it this time. :icon_ lala:
I knew the posts would be lost, just didn't know the likes would... Thanks Larry for getting back up to 400!!!!
So now I'm faced with my tough decision I have been putting off... keeping in mind that I leave for skiing in a few days and want to save up as much extra cash as I can right now should I:
- Goto VZW when they open, use the $100 promo I should get (even though I don't think we get it up front but later in the mail) + my $30 NE2 and get the phone for $119 and put that on my account to pay off next month.
- Goto Best Buy and buy on contract - $20 rewards, putting it on my BB card, getting a ton of BB points, and pay it off next month
- Goto Best Buy and buy off contract - $20 rewards, qualifying for 18 months no interest, get a ton of points, and pay off over a longer period