Looking to replace my OG Droid. I'm still torn between the Razr and the Galaxy Nexus.
My OG has barely decent reception where I live. It's generally in the -88 to -98 range.
I compared my droid in a store with these two phones. Mind you the store had a repeater, so even my DROID got decent reception tHere. But the razr was actually about 5 or 10 better than mine aNd the gnex was about 5 or so worse.
So here is what I am looking at possibly
OG Droid -88 to -98
Razr -78 (at best) to -93
Gnex -93 to -105 (at worst?)
I love the fact that the Gnex is stock ICS, will be updated quicker, is easier to root/customize, seems to be supported by the droid community better.
But what are your thoughts on the reception?
Are these numbers decent enough to get the gnex? Or go safer with the razr?
Will these numbers improve with updates or anything?
I'm by no means an expert, but I will try to help you with real world results and experience. I saw an article posted in this thread that basically said we were all nuts. (In regards to the Galaxy Nexus reception and data drops).
To answer your 1st question. My thoughts on the reception are based on what I used to get with my Thunderbolt.....At my job I was always running in 4g (at least 2 bars) and had no trouble tethering to my laptop and watching Slingbox online. I can't give you the range of my reception because I didn't even know how or NEED to know how to check those numbers because it worked flawlessly. NOW, as soon as I get to work I may be lucky to have 1 bar of 4g, but more than likely if I try to use it I drop to 3 g or nothing at all as far as data is concerned. My reception at work on the Gnex is generally between -102 to -120's. (Real world results, answer to your question-reception doesn't perform up to par)
Answer to your second question Gnex or Razr. As bad as I hate the reception issues with the phone, It is an awesome device and It is getting ever harder on me to make the decision to return it for a Rezound or Razr (Still considering this, because I can't go without data for hours on end) Also, my partner at work purchased the Razr and at work where I'm ranging -100's to -120's he is ranging -60's to -80's and we have been using his Razr to link to the laptop and watch the Slingbox instead. (Real world results, answer to your question- Razr outperforms in RECEPTION) He does like my phone better though, but said he couldn't deal with the reception issues.
Answer to your last question, will this improve with update? I just went to a corporate store here in Houston yesterday. (My 4th trip down to the store to return my Gnex and get the Rezound, but they talked me out of it again!!!!!!) Anyway the gentleman told me that they were aware of the reception problems and that the update SHOULD fix the reception issues. He said it is a known problem and that they are working on it. That being said, they couldn't guarantee that the problem would be fixed with the update and he told me that if I went past the return date of my Gnex on the 15th of January and the update didn't come or didn't fix the issue that I was SOL.
I know this probably won't help you, just like nothing I've read about this issue has helped me, but you're in a different boat than I am, I've got the phone and have a decision to make by the 15th. If you can wait and see if they fix the reception issues I think the phone would be worth your wait. If you can't wait to make your decision, then you're taking a chance. I have a sneaking suspicion that the update and fix will be out before all of the people that purchased it a month ago are sitting in the stores waiting to get a different phone.
Good luck