★ The Official "I got my Droid RAZR Thread" ★

You're welcome Nolan. One thing I noticed was that the smart actions in M does not have the battery extender but instead they have battery saver, which is not as good as the previous battery extender.

For the smart action, set up two of them:

*charging status, not charging &
*display status, off

*background sync, only when using app
*wifi, turn wifi off
*mobile data, turn mobile data off

*Battery status, not charging
*Display status, on

*wifi, turn on (if you use wifi often)
*mobile data, turn mobile data on
*screen brightness, auto brightness
*background data, only when I'm using that app.

Someone else may have better ideas for smart actions but these are a good start. Also setting up toggles to turn wifi on/off and data on/off can be really helpful.
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Good afternoon everybody. My name is Chris. I am a Droid first timer from the original Motorola Droid. I had an Apple iPhone 4S recently and was on the wait list for the iPhone 5. My wife and I were number 4 & 5 to get ours. I had recieved an email this last Tuesday stating that our reserves had been pushed from mid Octoer to mid December due to 'unforseen manufacturing delays'. I finally said thats enough. I cancelled my reserves, took the money I was going to spend on an iPhone 5 and got myself a shiny new Motorola Droid RAZR. I have to say I LOVE IT. I had forgotten how customizable Droid is and how easy it is to work with. I do not regret giving the boot to Apple and welcoming an old friend back. I look forward to reading posts, checking out other peoples posts, and having such a large community to chat with if I ever have an issue. Thanks.
That "unforeseen" manufacturing delay is also known as a "strike". The people at the cell providers or the Apple store will not tell you that, but it's a well publicized event.
Enjoy your new Razr Chris! The possibilities are near endless with this phone!
I have swapped my nexus for a razor maxx other than the reception from my nexus I was happy with it. I am hoping this will follow the same structural integrity of my old Droid x . Although I am constantly loosing money on smart phones. I could not think of a better way to follow technology. Not chasing just strolling behind. Any way hello. Glad to be here

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Hello everyone, I've had my razr for a week now. I upgraded from a Blackberry Torch, so it's obviously QUITE the upgrade.
My experience has been phenomenal so far. I love everything about it and have found some great advice on this site so thanks for that.
You're welcome Madge! And welcome to DF and the world of Android. Have fun!
Used picked up from a former VZW employee. MINT paid less than most seen to.

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Hi Razr community, I'm joining you now as of today. Had a rough road before getting my razr.

I actually started off with the Droid 3, I had so many issues. Went through 5 of them, I finally got tired and requested a supervisor multiple times over the issues i was having, they first replaced my droid 3 with a htc rhyme, for those that don't know, that phone only comes in the color PURPLE, yes purple. I'm in my mid 20's, i'm not walking around with a teenagers phone.

Vzw suggested I get a case to cover it, after going through more supervisors I finally got someone that understood me and sent me the razr as a replacement and I couldn't be happier.

Im a current Apple employee and was close to jumping back into the iOS world but ICS has pulled me back in. I've never used it before until this phone. Gingerbread was awful and I hope carriers will stop selling phones with it preinstalled because its so dated and waters down the experience for android first timers.

I have no plans into rooting/modding my droid, im pretty happy how things are and is quick, I'd take reliability over fancy features anyway. I cant tell you how many moments I tried to capture with my droid 3 only for it to restart or it would freeze while taking video/pictures.

The other week I was helping someone that was in a car accident that happened in front of me and I had to restart my droid because I couldn't dial 911 so i'm grateful for this phone and vzw for keeping me as a customer.

I went to a carshow this past weekend and the razr took some kick ass pictures. Wish there was a external battery case accessory like for iphones but this otterbox case will do for now. Looks more like a brick than a razr but oh well. View attachment 58322View attachment 58323
oi oi!

I've had my razr for a month i upgraded from a Blackberry storm 2 ewwww..

I am very happy to join this community btw this is my first android phone and i love it!.

I'll hope for a JB release
Got my droid RAZR on black Friday and rooted it within an hour of getting home.. running the eclipse ROM and pretty friggin happy.

Only complaint would be ROM related; no lock screen calendar.. but oh well.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
I got my Droid Razr 16GB last Wednesday from Verizon and I have to say I am LOVING it!!!! response times are fast, and crisp. plus i am really enjoying actually having room to download apps as my originial droid phone was a LG Vortex then I updated/downgraded to an original Motorola Droid 1, both of which had little room to do anything on. I am also liking the Smart Actions apps that came with the phone as it allows me to save battery life when i am not using it which is really helpful.

One thing i have noticed is it does not like to be plugged in for long periods like overnight did it one time and it was very warm. so i setup the Smart Action Sleep to disable most apps and data transfer for a specific time and it works great so far. 90% battery when i go to bed and about 80% to 70% when i get up :D
Have had mine for a while now....LOVE IT. Just wish they would get updates out in a more timely fashion, like the Jelly Bean update.
Just traded up when my Palm Plus died! Really like the Droid. Everyone else has that other phone and I did not like that it is locked up tight...