Battery on Droid RAZR
yes, I can tell you how the battery is doing: ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE seeing as how its dead...
i bought this phone online at ebay and waited three weeks to get it, when I finally did I was so happy and excited. I turned it on, saw it was at 80% so I stuck it on the charger that came with it and waited...and waited til two hours passed and it hadn't charged even one percent. So I did all the activation stuff and hooked it up to straight talk, then decided to charge it again at 40%...nothing. My hubby is a computer whiz and can do literally anything to anything electronic. So I had him see if he could get it to charge. He ended up with five different chargers and got none of them to work. We are guessing that theres something wrong with the connection between the micro usb port and the internal battery. The chances of me having to send it back to the seller under Motorola Warranty are pretty high: unless someone on here can help me...
I went to WalMart and bought a Rapid Car Charger and have had it out in the car charging for an hour now. it was at zero percent when I plugged it in, after 20 minutes it was up to a whopping 5%.
I'm thinking this is a common problem, because I've been on forums all evening and have seen lots of similar posts, and most of them unanswered, or, if they are answered, all say to get a rapid charger or hold down power and volume down simultaneously. I tried that and it just goes into Flash boot mode, which doesn't do anything. just says battery too low for usb mode or whatever...
please help.