So I pushed the same framework-res I was already using, but with the default wallpaper removed, and so far, so good!! Started up with my wallpaper, been docking it, undocking it, switching between LPro, Clock, stock lockscreen, and WidgetLocker, and I haven't seen the UD pic at all.Indeed. You're right about the dock tripping the UD paper, does the same on mine. When I restart LauncherPro, my wallpaper comes back every time, but the lockscreen and clock tend to still use the UD wallpaper, unless I boot the phone while it's in the dock.I tried that, and my wallpaper immediately came back...awesome. But when I woke up the next morning and picked up the Droid, I was greeted by the UD wallpaper again. WTF? With UDWallpapers.apk gone, where is that even coming from? :icon_eek:
Wiped dalvik cache from UD settings, and wiped phone cache from SPRecovery, my wallpaper again came back for a while. But alas, it's got the UD wallpaper right now...yet again.![]()
The wallpaper thing has popped back up for me and its driving me nuts. Every time I dock my phone, the UD grey background comes back. Also, it's there on the lockscreen as well but they both revert back to my wallpaper after undocking or unlocking. I have the same problem in shadowrom and cm6 rc4. Since they are all built off of cm this is technically not a UD exclusive bug, but it's annoying non the less.
I did find out where the image is coming from, it's "default_wallpaper.jpg" inside framework-res.apk. I'm about to test the effects of simply deleting that file. If that doesn't work out, I'll be happy enough for now just replacing it with an image of my choosing.
So that's the solution. Delete framework-res.apk/res/drawable-hdpi/default_wallpaper.jpg, repush the framework, and that gray UD screen won't be seen again.

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