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The Ultimate Droid 1.0.0 - Droid 1 Only

nice rom

just cpl quick questions i seen in ud tools compcache enabled it why doesn't it auto enable i got the box checked in that window phone says it is on and set to interactive.

but when opening terminal
compcache stats

it replys



you actually have to type
compcache start will there be a patch that makes it autostart?


redline for ud will be released asap


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Is anyone having problems with their vibrate settings? Now, for some reason I cannot get my phone to vibe when receiving calls, txt or emails.....even though all settings are set to vibrate.....

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I'm actually having issues finally. Initially I was having crazy slowdown issues.

I went ahead and did a wipe data/cache in recovery (3 times), nandroid backup (just in case), and reflashed UD 1.0.0 from scratch.

I prefer ADW Launcher (Launcher pro has a few features that pop up "buy it to make this work", I just prefer ADW Launcher from the get-go. Anyways, I'm running ADW Launcher, set it up the way I like, Weather + Toggle Widgets running, Temp_CPU Pro widget running (I have it set to display CPU Freq, RAM Available, CPU Temp, Battery Temp), Mini Info Widget (Battery %, ROM Available, SD Card Available), and Power Control Plus Widget.

Well anyway, I rebooted my phone at some point, I don't remember everything I was exactly doing, and when my phone rebooted, the widgets cleared data, and would NOT display. Now I can't even add the widget. (Launcher Menu > Add > Widget only displays a few widgets, not my entire widget list).

I'm having to run Titanium Backup and re-install and restore Data to my widget apps for them to show up on my Add Widget list, what gives? I hope I don't have to do this every single freakin' time I reboot.
I was listening to some music, and started messing around with long-pressing the volume buttons to see what they would do. (im a tinkerer :) ) Much as i expected, they didnt do anything but change the volume. I remember reading somewhere that you can change tracks that way... maybe that was an addon in some rom.

Anyways, I think i was long pressing the "volume up" button and i must have grazed a soft touch button and suddenly, music player would only play the first second of every song. No matter what i did i couldnt get it to stop. I hit pause to stop playback, and it did... until it switched to the next song and did it all over again. I was able to reboot via the power button instead of a battery pull.

Go to Settings--> Ultimate Droid--> Audio Settings and UNCHECK the "Volume Button Music Control" option. I had the same problem with ^3 Cubed and this fixed it.

Does ne one know if you can change you led notification light in this one i have looked in the ultimate droid settings and cant find it ne where. Or is there just no option in this one.
I'm having the issue of everytime im on the browser and click on windows>close it crashes the browser and it force closes

Sadly, rooting and installing a faster kernel does not help my unplayable youtube and flash performance :(
Yeah I can also say I am getting the stock browser force close when closing all windows. It is the only issue I have come across so far. Everything else has been awesome for me. Still using Chevy's 1.25 lv kernel and it is running cool and very fast. Battery life on my phone always seem to be relatively the same for most roms I flash so it's fine on that front as well.
Does ne one know if you can change you led notification light in this one i have looked in the ultimate droid settings and cant find it ne where. Or is there just no option in this one.

LED customizations are forthcoming in an update.

If you miss it really bad and can't wait you can d/l a free apk. called missed call anno version 0.9.0. Its free and it does SMS also Customizable LED/Sound/Viberate etc. etc.
Anyone else's kernel not reporting "time in state" in SetCPU or showing speed in System Panel? I am using the dafault kernel. Wondering if it is kernel or I had a bad install...

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