Droid 1: camcorder works fine, the new market does not install (still uses old market and yes i have rebooted), this is a lot faster then 2.5 i like this a lot more
Edit 1:
it appears as if i lose 3g when i receive a call
Edit 2: when i first boot the droid gets very warm, but soon goes down to normal temperature, usb connect via computer works fine, gps works fine, pandora loads normally, music.apk works fine
Edit 4: this may be only my problem, but it seems as if the notification "ring tone" likes to change itself, Also the "3g" problem seems to have the same signal strength it just takes the "3g logo" and hides it
Edit 5: i have not encountered the double tap home issue, However with the phone (this happened both on 2.5 and 3.0) when ever i receive a call it takes about 15-25 seconds for the phone's back light to light up and allow me to answer the call
Only dislikes: you do not have the settings and configure (configure being changing the home page interface, the dock interface etc, not bring able to place items in the dock, and lastly not being able to add shortcuts for system actions (e.x. open app/close app drawer with the acceptation of those the rom is great.
Edit 5: I can not find a way to get my keyboard nor amber light to light up (does have random boot and when it boots it goes into a bootloop)