Hi 928 - Great job on the theme! Loaded it earlier today and love the way it looks. Just one little thing I noticed though and I don't know if it's been covered in the last 101 pages or not but....
WeatherBug makes an entry in the pull down notification tab under 'Ongoing', and shows a little weather icon (sunny, rain, etc), the temp, time, and a one-line weather summary. Problem is, the text is all but invisible. It's dark grey or light black text on a black background. In fact I only noticed there was text there at all when sliding down and a light part of my wallpaper shone through it.
In WeatherBug settings, I have the notification text color set to white. Along the top notification BAR, the temp and location do show in white text. It's only in the pull-down notification tab that it's black on black for some reason.
If you get a chance, could you check it out?
I didn't see any settings anywhere to change the text color in the pull-down.
Interestingly enough, every other notification that's showed up in there (Facebook Chat, Market download/installs, etc) all have white text...It's only Weatherbug that's black.
Thanks and keep up the GREAT work!
Unfortunately a lot of Market apps do not use the framework settings for thinks like that. Makes it impossible to get all of them to work correctly.
IF you have any XML experiance you can open up the app, look in res/layout for an xml file called something like notifications or statusbar., etc. IF you can find those and pull them out you can edit them with Hxd or similar.
If I had a copy of Weatherbug I would take a look at it..I can't remember is it a free or paid app?? If it is a free app I coudl modify it and redistribute it for you guys...can't do that with a paid app.
If you can pull it from the phone (should be in data/app) and then copy the res/layout folder, put it in a ZIP and send it to me I will see what I can do. You could then use NinjaMorph to easily insert the new modded file with out breaking the apk signing...of course there are a zillion ways to do it, but that will work pretty easy if you are unfamiliar with apk editing.
I have plans for a easy solution for this (and a lot more) for the most popular Market apps that you guys can use, just haven't had time to put it together.