No, it is actually a part of the image files for the battery icon.
Damn, I was hoping there was a way to edit the file somehow and remove the battery percentage. I really want to use this theme but I just don't care for the battery percentage.
You guys never cease to amaze me!! Something as small and hard to see as the little battery percentage text would even come close to keeping you from using my Theme just boggles my mind!! Just becasue of 5 little 38x38 images you are gonna miss out on the other 7535 images that are enhanced in the Theme???? Really????

FYI, there are a gizzillion Battery Status Themes in the Theme Forum, you can use any of those to change to whatever battery status you like.
Also the images are in framework-res.apk /res/drawable-hdpi you can always open it up, edit the images you want and close it back up.