Just uploaded a new version of BGX 2.3.13 in just the last few minutes (10:30am Eastern).. now that I have all the images tweeked and finalized I optimized, Zip-aligned, and compressed the whole theme. The combination of a weeks worth of me image tweeking/optimizing and the PNG-OPT/ZipAlign Compression reduced the Theme size 12.7mb in the system area! Even with all my Theme image enhancements AND with ALL Original apks and ALL Blur apks I am showing 83.66mb free in the system area...AND that includes all original Bloatware (I have them renamed, but still there) .
BTW, this new Theme should work fine with the normal DeOdexed 2.2 leak and the latest DeOdexed 2.3.13 "OTA Leak".
Download and try it out and let me know if the opt/align procedure broke anything as it sometimes does. I already found it broke Voice Search, but replaced that with unopt/zipaligned version and all is well.
Let me know ASAP before I do a Formal release.
If this all works 100% it means I am finally done with changes to Black Glass X and can move on to the next Theme I have in mind.