So now we have Incognito for CM6 and an exact copy of Incognito for CM6 
Bgill released an incognito port today, lol.

Bgill released an incognito port today, lol.
So now we have Incognito for CM6 and an exact copy of Incognito for CM6
Bgill released an incognito port today, lol.
So now we have Incognito for CM6 and an exact copy of Incognito for CM6
Bgill released an incognito port today, lol.
Is it possible to skin the LauncherPro widgets? That would be a deal breaker at the moment for me. );
Oh and the twitter widget as well! edit: my twitter widget is not being skinned. any possible reasons?
ANOTHER: The Font color on the Facebook widget is INCREDIBLE difficult to read since it's dark grey and it blends with the actual widget. Is it possible to change it to white?
Hey I have an incredible I know you guys have droids but for whatever reason Droid cm themes seem to work for cm on the incredible.I just wanted to know why this may be happening. The theme works flawlessly with the exception of that battery. If you could help me out or tell me what I can do to fix it I'd appreciate it.
I posted a picture to show you what im talking about, it always stays like that for some reason
Is it possible to skin the LauncherPro widgets? That would be a deal breaker at the moment for me. );
Oh and the twitter widget as well! edit: my twitter widget is not being skinned. any possible reasons?
ANOTHER: The Font color on the Facebook widget is INCREDIBLE difficult to read since it's dark grey and it blends with the actual widget. Is it possible to change it to white?
Yeah there's a reason for twitter not being themed... I left it out of the zip.. whoooooppss. Rename the attached file to Twitter.apk and push it to /system/app with adb. I'm very busy until next thursday or friday so I don't think I'll be doing anything until then. After that I'll add/fix your stuff and put twitter back in.
Hey I have an incredible I know you guys have droids but for whatever reason Droid cm themes seem to work for cm on the incredible.I just wanted to know why this may be happening. The theme works flawlessly with the exception of that battery. If you could help me out or tell me what I can do to fix it I'd appreciate it.
I posted a picture to show you what im talking about, it always stays like that for some reason
I'm surprised it boots at all to be honest. The themed files from this one's framework-res.apk need to be transfered to your incredible's framework in order for it to be fixed. A couple things might need to be slightly altered in the framework, but it's not much of anything. ask a droid incredible themer to do it lol
Hey I have an incredible I know you guys have droids but for whatever reason Droid cm themes seem to work for cm on the incredible.I just wanted to know why this may be happening. The theme works flawlessly with the exception of that battery. If you could help me out or tell me what I can do to fix it I'd appreciate it.
I posted a picture to show you what im talking about, it always stays like that for some reason
Hey I have an incredible I know you guys have droids but for whatever reason Droid cm themes seem to work for cm on the incredible.I just wanted to know why this may be happening. The theme works flawlessly with the exception of that battery. If you could help me out or tell me what I can do to fix it I'd appreciate it.
I posted a picture to show you what im talking about, it always stays like that for some reason
It is because Cyanogen and now Sapphire (Ruby for the DInc) use something called a consolidated build. This makes the roms EXTREMELY similar. Only difference really are phone specific features and the props. THIS is why it can have a high chance to work.
I remeber back in 2.1 someone was able to apply DE to Cyanogen for the N1.
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Hey I have an incredible I know you guys have droids but for whatever reason Droid cm themes seem to work for cm on the incredible.I just wanted to know why this may be happening. The theme works flawlessly with the exception of that battery. If you could help me out or tell me what I can do to fix it I'd appreciate it.
I posted a picture to show you what im talking about, it always stays like that for some reason
It is because Cyanogen and now Sapphire (Ruby for the DInc) use something called a consolidated build. This makes the roms EXTREMELY similar. Only difference really are phone specific features and the props. THIS is why it can have a high chance to work.
I remeber back in 2.1 someone was able to apply DE to Cyanogen for the N1.
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
That's awesome im totally robbing all of your guys themes lol. Our modding community doesn't have that much themers and the ones we do have are mostly focused on sense.. and I hate sense ui.