[THEME] Black Out Preview for Fission 2.0 - 2.0.2

Posted an updated to include 10% battery increments and includes a flashable update.zip style patch to overlay the battery indicator with the text percentages.

Im having issues with the 10% battery thing. Its showing the battery % but it seems to be reporting incorrectly. For instance at the moment my battery is 70% but it is saying 60%.

I am running Fission 2.4.3.

This is a known issue and is posted as such in the main thread. Was a small mistake by me and there should be a fixed Preview 7.1 probably going out tomorrow. I apologize for the inconvenience. I hope it hasn't turned you off from the theme altogether.

Ohh heck no, i understand issues with roms/themes. Looking forward to the update. Thanks!
Preview 7.1 posted. Fixes battery indicator issue. Now the numbers should match up to what your battery actually is at.