Yes, the one in the OP is the updated one. The phone and contacts are a little screwy so I put an update file in here at post 129.
I have only 1 person confirm the phone stuff is messed up though, would like a 2nd. Also, bigjon has a black bar but Adroid does not. And, I now know why. (At least in theory... Adroid probably installed this after he wiped the phone clean to install UD2.0 and bigjon just installed over top of UD1.0. Reason I say this is because in UD1.0, there were 3 images for that black bar and in UD2, there are only 2. Since he didn't wipe the phone and since I didn't have that image in my theme, it did not get overwritten, it remained.
Xkape i hope you are feeling better. My contact list is the same as eiker. Mine was a clean install of the theme. Coming from UD2... i think that's the best way to install and avoid any un nessary headaches for you (xkape) trying to trouble shoot something that was caused because of installing on top of another theme.