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eiker - no updates. you are fine. the -v4 is just an extension the apk manager sticks on the end of your project by default. I now know how to not have it so I made two versions so that everyone coming into my theme can install it ok.
lepro - my 1st questions would be... di you select to allow boot animations in the UD settings?
Hey xkape, Question, Are the applications in you Gold theme the fixed ones (gallery, camera and Phone) so will they fix or should I just use my already fixed UD 2.0 ?????
xkape, won't install says no tar found when I hit 'install from sd card', so I will try themethode you told PArick, but first I will wait for your answer to my previos post.
segdoh.. I answered it's all the apps and they are the working ones. That new file without the -v4 is a CW What are you trying? If need be, I will try installing it on my phone and see what happens. Heck at this point I already have the gold dialer and gold framework running. Might as well do the apps
segdoh.. I answered it's all the apps and they are the working ones. That new file without the -v4 is a CW What are you trying? If need be, I will try installing it on my phone and see what happens. Heck at this point I already have the gold dialer and gold framework running. Might as well do the apps
Well Sh*t ,frigging clockwork.....I was trying it with SPRecovery, no wonder it wouldn't work. And is the other file you wanted us to try also Clockwork "" ???