[THEME] Gingercomb with a touch of Juice - 2.3 Gingerbread Theme

I hope this gets updated soon~ the Gingerblur theme is a bit too Moto for my liking. Really eager to use this. :)
I just loaded it. Most of the broken things aren't too serious, but they're numerous. Things like Media Volume saying Silent Ring and stuff. The lock slider looking broken, etc... but it still works and looks great. The start up animation is beauuutiful. X3

Sent from GingerBlurred DROID2
ok since you loaded it i loaded it....lol i do like it if we could just get the bugs ironed out
Apparently not~ which is unfortunate since it's still super buggy. Nobody else seems to be making themes either. :(
any chance you can port this over to apex rc3 for d2 and dx, but mostly d2 lol i would forever be in your debt