*edit* as previously stated, apparently i left off the 60% one. sorry! if you want to use them, i've changed the grey to one that matches the rest of the theme more accurately. just go here: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/lithiummod/66004-theme-lithmod-evodroid-10.html#post714470
and here's the last one
Alright I found the wallpaper, but does anyone know how to change the battery color on lithmod?
- located in /system/framework/framework-res.apk
- change the .apk to .zip
- now, it's in framework-res.zip/res/drawable-hdpi
- alter the stat_sys_battery_**.png image files then drop them back into the .zip
- rename the .zip back to .apk
- drop the framework-res.apk back into the update.zip and reinstall the update.zip or push the framework-res.apk using adb to your phone and reboot
if you want the ones i used (2nd page of this thread), i've attached them. i kept the charging icon the same because i like it.
i hope that helps!
and here's the last one

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