i was wondering what if anyone was running a kernel. i want to put one in my droid just donr know witch one to go with.
I am using the Chevy 1.25MV 5 slot kernel that JRummy posted, I never ran a kernel above 1.0 before but figured I would try it. Phone is so much more responsive and it has been running cool as well, I do think my Droid runs better with SV/MV(standard/medium voltage) kernels than LV(low) kernels.
How is your battery life with that kernel? I want to try an SV or MV kernel, but I don't want to take a huge hit on my battery. I don't play on clocking over 1GHz, either.
As I mentioned earlier, I've had a couple of random reboots using the jdlfg 1GHz kernel, so I switched to the 800MHz P3Droid Kernel - which I've never had a problem with before - and just experienced another reboot. I've always used LV kernels and never had this problem.
@Rummy - do you think this is a kernel issue or could it possibly be specific to The Shiz? In my head, it only makes sense that it could be the kernel, but there are others here that are much more educated about the inner working of Android than myself.
I really love this ROM, probably my favorite that I've used thus far - blazing fast, good battery life, and so far none of the quirks that I've dealt with in others. The only thing that I miss from past ROMs is the battery percentage in the icon. Thanks for all the hard work!