The clock skin is airportone.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Did you recolor it yourself then? Because I found airportone in the skin list, but it's different colors.
LOL, whoops. Actually, it's this one:
The clock skin is airportone.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Did you recolor it yourself then? Because I found airportone in the skin list, but it's different colors.
The clock skin is airportone.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Did you recolor it yourself then? Because I found airportone in the skin list, but it's different colors.
LOL, whoops. Actually, it's this one:
i must be a lil slow but this aint workin im getting the same mssg even when i leave off the reboot....You should be typing reboot as a whole differentaction
Those looking to get back to stock can use this file:
There are extra apps in the MM on purpose, since you can use this with other themes as well (and possibly more things will be themed in future releases of NexTheme)
Use the same instructions as installing this theme.
Everything's great, but one "bug" (I'm not even sure if it's a bug) is whenever you have a progress bar starting (like for a download or install,) it flashes between white with a faded outline (see cap below) and the progress bar on a grey background (instead of transparent) for a few (3-4) seconds before the download/install starts. Then it's normal.
su mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /systemcp /sdcard/nextheme/framework-res.apk /system/framework/reboot
su mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /systemcp /sdcard/nextheme/services.jar /system/framework/reboot
can someone please clarify how to enter theese into terminal i have been trying all day with no success.... keep gettin this same error... Imageshack - cap201008130006.jpg
Everything's great, but one "bug" (I'm not even sure if it's a bug) is whenever you have a progress bar starting (like for a download or install,) it flashes between white with a faded outline (see cap below) and the progress bar on a grey background (instead of transparent) for a few (3-4) seconds before the download/install starts. Then it's normal.
Did this ever get fixed? I installed the v2 but I still have the downloads like that....