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Please santa xkape tell me that I have been a good boy this year and get this theme for Liquid??? I have been nice to my wife, my kids and my patients.... especially to the ones I look forward to stabbing with needles and get to throw tubes in all their orficies....
Chrome is mine, made soley by me from the ground up. So, that being said, I can make it for any ROM I want to. Once I get it done and make sure it works 100% and it's been tested and such for UD. Then, I will bring it to other ROMS.. you asked first so, LFY will be 1st.
OK.. more
I decided against Pandora because I don't use it and I'm not real sure what to theme and what it will look like. (no familiarity ya know).
Here's the list right now
Gmail (Inverted and themed)
UD Launcher
Facebook (inverted)
VZW Visual Voice Mail
Google Voice (Inverted)
Beautiful Widgets Clock Theme (If I can figure out how)
I have Facebook inverted. I will be working on inverting Twitter, Gmail, Vending and Gtalk. (If they are even possible).
Time to see if all of this will work. I did not do Beautiful Widgets because it costs money and somehow I know including it would get me into trouble. VZW Voice is included cause it's free to d/l but you have to sign up to use it and that's what cost's money. Eh.. maybe I better leave that out too as a seperate d/l for those that have it.
I'm sure that this theme is going to kick @$$. If you need any testers let me know. I have a spare droid that I can put it on so if anything goes haywire it would not effect me at all. I just use the spare droid to try new things on before I try it on my main droid. I'd love to see how your icons look over my wallpapers or even the wallpapers that you have yourself. dancedroid
haha.. get a snickers.. it's going to be awhile. I think I know why it ain't working for me but I am going to have to do a few things and test some stuff.
Haha. That's funny. My daughter's nickname is "Snickerson." Her first name starts with an S. and her last name (not my last name) is Nickerson. For her birthday this year I got her a Snickers ice cream cake and I took a marker and drew in the extra letters so that the box said "Snickerson." Her friends thought it was awesome. LMAO
But I digress.....
I mostly offer to test cuz I am interested in helping out. I'm not trying to play the "fan boy" roll and get first dibs. And I'm not trying to rush you. I just like where you are going with this theme and I just have a helpful nature. That's all. :blackdroid:
no problem ballmore.. So far I have only noticed 1 thing and that is that I forgot to change the image for your contacts if you don't have a pic of them. Nonetheless... It's tested and it works and I am releasing it as soon as it and my screenshots upload.