I'm not exactly sure how it differs lol, it's been a while since I was on Rubix. After the 4.5.588 Gingerbread was released by P3Droid I jumped ship lol. And as for the Nextang theme, I actually do still have it! haha. Along with the other themes, RevolutionGreen, RevolutionRed, Miui, and Incognito. I'll post up the Nextang theme here in a second
Edit: Here's the link for Nextang! Also on DropBox
Dropbox - Retrokid_NexTang_Rubix1.9.7_V1.zip - Simplify your life
appreciate it. Guess I should start looking at the gingerbread stuff now...lol
Anytime lol. If you've got any questions regarding gingerbread or need any help, feel free to ask me, I've done too many SBFs from messing up on different parts and I doubt you'll want to lol
nice..PM sent!