Thinking about rooting the Galaxy Nexus......


New Member
Jan 30, 2010
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Wherever the **** i want to be
Thinking about rooting the Galaxy Nexus but i have couple concerns.
Verizon signal isn't the strongest in my area. it isn't bad but its not splendid.
if i root the phone, will get the verizon update or do i have to manually update it?
plus i want to overclock my phone to 1.4 or 1.5 with undervolt to save battery life.
should i wait till the update or should i do it now?
Thanks guys and i really do appreciate this community for making my android phone experience so much better.
Same boat here. Not sure if I want to wait or do it now. is there a step by step guide perhaps in the other sections of the forum for people that have never done it before?
Thinking about rooting the Galaxy Nexus but i have couple concerns.
Verizon signal isn't the strongest in my area. it isn't bad but its not splendid.
if i root the phone, will get the verizon update or do i have to manually update it?
plus i want to overclock my phone to 1.4 or 1.5 with undervolt to save battery life.
should i wait till the update or should i do it now?
Thanks guys and i really do appreciate this community for making my android phone experience so much better.

Overclocking your phone will hurt your battery life, not save it. I'd definitely do some reading, you don't seem like you're quite familiar enough just yet.
Overclocking your phone will hurt your battery life, not save it. I'd definitely do some reading, you don't seem like you're quite familiar enough just yet.

He said underclock to save battery, not overclock. Lol He can set up profiles and make it so its overclocked when he wants, and underclocked when he's not using it and he'll probably not notice and issue with battery life.

IMO Rooting provides you with total control of your phone, and the GNex has some amazing devs that will be pumping out custom roms for you in no time. And they'll incorporate all the OTA improvements into their Roms, so you shouldnt have to worry about that.

Atleast with your GNex you have an "easy" way of handling all this (root/bootloader). My poor D3 is locked down like fort knox o_O

But still you should atleast familiarize yourself with the process of rooting, SBF-ing, making nandroids and such. The more you know, the easier things will be down the road for you.

Butt dialed from my hamburger phone
He said underclock to save battery, not overclock. Lol He can set up profiles and make it so its overclocked when he wants, and underclocked when he's not using it and he'll probably not notice and issue with battery life.

IMO Rooting provides you with total control of your phone, and the GNex has some amazing devs that will be pumping out custom roms for you in no time. And they'll incorporate all the OTA improvements into their Roms, so you shouldnt have to worry about that.

Atleast with your GNex you have an "easy" way of handling all this (root/bootloader). My poor D3 is locked down like fort knox o_O

But still you should atleast familiarize yourself with the process of rooting, SBF-ing, making nandroids and such. The more you know, the easier things will be down the road for you.

Butt dialed from my hamburger phone

His exact words:

I want to overclock my phone to 1.4 or 1.5 with undervolt to save battery life.

He says he wants to overclock his device from 1.2 to 1.4-1.5 using undervolt, to save battery life. Which makes zero sense.

You would underclock your device from 1.2 to 1.0< using undervolt to improve battery life.
He says he wants to overclock his device from 1.2 to 1.4-1.5 using undervolt, to save battery life. Which makes zero sense.

You would underclock your device from 1.2 to 1.0< using undervolt to improve battery life.

He could overclock and lower voltage on those higher clock speeds to improve battery life. Either way its cutting hairs and is a ways away for the op to be concerned. He can figure it out after unlock and root.

The sooner you unlock the better. Since it wipes completely the restore is less painful if done sooner rather than later. Then root when you feel its more necessary.
I'm really not trying to split hairs, but telling someone they can increase their clock speed by 20-25% and also reduce the voltage is not being truthful, unless you have a stud of a chip you're going to be unstable.
Voltage and clockspeed are two different things. Voltage has to do more with battery life, clockspeed is processing speed. You can achieve both, from what I understand.
I'm a little worried, too. So far, I haven't had the reception and battery issues people are talking about, and I'm wondering if the people who are having them are predominantly rooted. I'd really like to root, since I want to run setCPU and get a better battery profile. I don't know whether to let sleeping dogs lie, or risk possibly ending up like the poor battery/signal folks.
I would listen to liderc. After all, he does work for Intel! ;) But really, OCing and Uvolting usually don't do so well together. You _can_ get it to work, but only with very special settings! :p

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I'm a little worried, too. So far, I haven't had the reception and battery issues people are talking about, and I'm wondering if the people who are having them are predominantly rooted. I'd really like to root, since I want to run setCPU and get a better battery profile. I don't know whether to let sleeping dogs lie, or risk possibly ending up like the poor battery/signal folks.

The signal and battery issues are an out of the box problem at the moment. I am waiting to root and rom until the devs really have time to get their hands into ICS. This won't even really happen til at least 4.0.3 and at most 4.1.0. Just wait, you'll see some magical things. Keep an eye on liberty, android revolution, and bugless beast. They're all going to make this phone a real treat.
The signal and battery issues are an out of the box problem at the moment. I am waiting to root and rom until the devs really have time to get their hands into ICS. This won't even really happen til at least 4.0.3 and at most 4.1.0. Just wait, you'll see some magical things. Keep an eye on liberty, android revolution, and bugless beast. They're all going to make this phone a real treat.

I have a signal issue...but not so much a battery issue. The apex kernel plays pretty nice with the battery. 4.0.3 isnt going to come out till january.
I dont understand why people are saying we cant overclock and get lower voltages?

the overclocked freq voltage is lower than the 920 freq. So we ARE increasing clock speed and decreasing voltage.
FWIW, I just upgraded to the Nexus from the OG Droid. In the past few months I have heard so many complaining about how poorly their OG Droids were running, on the their last leg, barely getting through the day, etc etc. My Droid was (still is, as an alarm clock) rooted and overclocked from the 600MHz or whatever it was at stock to 1GHz. I also installed a custom low voltage kernel. Up until the day I picked up the Nexus, I would go a full 15 hour day of voice, text, email, web browsing, facebook, etc and still have about 40-50% battery remaining. It was a huge improvement over the stock configuration.